Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Today's News


You can now watch the back catalogue of TNA PPV events via their YouTube channel.

Warrior challenges WWE:

The Ultimate Warrior has stated that the Drugs test fail firings from WWE, whilst the company were being investigated by the Federal authorities in 1992, Which saw not only himself, but The British Bulldog, The Legion Of Doom, The Warlord and others get released from the company to try to save major issues for the McMahon's did not actually happen.


The reason for Goldust's firing form WWE has emerged. He was producer for SmackDown on April 24th and he allowed Darren Young and Titus O'Neill to execute a double powerbomb finisher on Yoshi Tatsu, which was thought to look far too violent for the PG audience. 21 years of service on and off, way to go WWE!!!.

HHH Heat:

Triple H is getting some backstage heat for attending a boxing match and accompanying Floyd Mayweather to the ring, because he blocked CM Punk from doing something similar at a UFC show.

Angle nixed:

Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton at SummerSlam has been shelved, so Triple H is looking increasingly like his rival at the show.

WWE Revolution:

WWE's Viral video has launched on their website, showing scenes of civil uprising and declaring that ''A revolution is coming''.


The Undertaker is responsible for the WWE return of Lord Tensai.

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