Thursday, May 24, 2012

Today's News

Finisher banned:

Randy Orton says his Punt Kick Finisher has been banned due to concussion awareness.

Owen Hart:

JBL shared his memories of Owen Hart's last night, on his Facebook, you can read it over on R.I.P Dead Wrestlers.

Past star visits WWE:

Gene Snitsky was backstage at SmackDown this week.

Sunny sick:

Sunny has been hospitalized will gastroenteritis.

WrestleMania UK?:

WWE have hinted at a possible international (UK) WrestleMania. In their magazine they have stated that WrestleMania 29 will be in New York, and that WrestleMania 30 will be held in a city of ''Olympic Stature''.

Rock movie delayed:

The Rock's movie GI Joe 2 has been pushed back by 1 year.

FCW axed:

According to current FCW champion Seth Rollins, tonight will be the last FCW TV Tapings.

Rey Re-signs:

WWE have extended Rey Mysterio's contract by 10 months until August 2013.

Main event news:

Interesting note on WWE PPV main events, the World or WWE title has not been defended in the main event since December 2011's TLC show.

Chris Jericho:

Has asked fans, to enjoy his current run and not to obsess over when he is leaving.

Japan loves Johnny:

There is huge interest in Over The Limit in Japan, (Which airs on 31/5) because of John Laurinaitis (Honest), he hasn't wrestled in 12 years, but was a huge star in All Japan.


Earl Hebner has signed a new TNA deal that will see him with the company until the end of 2013. He says that when he retires he will leave his shirt, and boots on TNA ropes.

Douglas Williams Will be moved into a backstage role within TNA.

TNA have created a Throne (Like Macho King in WWE) to carry King Mo Lawal to the ring when he debuts in November.

The reason Anthony Nese quit TNA was that they refused him permission to go to Japan for one match.

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