Saturday, May 26, 2012

Today's News

Chris Jericho vs Brazilian flag:

Fellow wrestlers have jumped to the defense of Chris Jericho over the flag incident...

Shawn Michaels...

''Seems to me I’d blame the horrific PC world we’ve allowed ourselves to be caught up in where you can’t “act” & have it called “acting.” BS!!

I’ll stand behind @IAmJericho any day of the week & twice on Sunday…what’s the big “E” stand for in WWE anyway!!''

We do have to remember that Shawn once wiped his nose on the Canadian flag, so he has previous in this field himself.


''Chris did what most old heels would have done, he reacted and a decade ago it would have been loved for the heat. However, times change and we have to as well''.

Jim Ross:

“He was playing the part of a wrestling villain in an entertainment based entity”.

Lance Strom:

“Thoughts on @IAmJericho He didn’t do anything that hasn’t been done a million times in wrestling. Wrong place & times change.”

Personal Note...

I felt that this may have been WWE giving him his out, but I have seen footage and it was a completely spare of the moment act, I will post the footage in a sec for you to make up your own mind, but I will give Jericho the benefit of the doubt, He made a mistake, he apologised, lets move on, WWE.

Chris Jericho has been banned for 30 days, but is still advertised for next months PPV on June 17th.

WWE did not send Chris Jericho straight home, as they told Brazilian authorities, he went on to Ecuador with the crew, and only landed in Miami this morning.

Roode in UK:

TNA champion Bobby Roode has been to England to cut a promo in front of Big Ben to promote the next UK event.

The Rock:

Says he will be back in WWE early in 2013, to work on his story lines for WrestleMania 29.

WWE Porn:

WWE are threatening to sue the reporter who compared WWE to Pornography unless they immediately retract.

TV champ:

TNA are having a vote on their website, to determine who will challenge their TV champ Devon, it is going to be a fixed though, they will add a new nominee every day of next week, so the person added on Monday will be able to score more votes than the wrestlers added during the rest of the week.

WWE list:

They have posted their top 25 Talkers.

Guerrero sick:

Vickie Guerrero is off the road at the moment, due to stomach flu.


Squashed former SWM champion Chase Owens and former ROH star Ricky Reyes this week.

Zach Gowen:

Has a part as a stunt worker in the new movie Hatchet 3. (I hope Parry Shen is back again, love his characters in 1 and 2).


The press have picked up on TNA suing WWE.

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