Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Today's News


The feeling is that TNA have gone overboard with their lawsuit vs WWE and it is likely the courts will not be favourable to their claims.

TNA star quits:

Don West has quit TNA, and may be going into hockey.

WWE split:

Dolph Ziggler has hinted at a break from Vickie Guerrero via his Twitter.

Brock Lesnar:

Brock probably won't be appearing at this weekend's UFC show after all. Lesnar went into business for himself with this apparently, telling WWE he was trying to further his story lines, and telling UFC he wanted to get back with them A.S.A.P. He was knocked back because Dana White (UFC boss) doesn't want to be linked with pro wrestling.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan:

Has revealed, how he felt Stone Cold Steve Austin, screwed him in a match in WCW, whilst promoting his new book. He says they still don't get on...

“Yea, I think that was when the business started changing. Contracts started getting involved. Guys started worrying about there own personal image and how they would move on from 1 company to another. That was the change from the old days when you would pass the torch if you were leaving. You did the job for the guy. The guy did the job for you. That was the 1st time I saw that where Austin was worried about taking care of himself and went down with the bogus injury shortly into the match. “I had words with him right after it happened and the little bit right then. Of course he went on to have an outstanding and unbelievable career. Obviously the guy was very talented, not my favorite person to say the least.”

Little Dragon:

Richie Steamboat, Son of The Dragon Ricky Steamboat will make his main roster debut vs Drew McIntyre on this weekends live SmackDown show.

Chris Jericho:

Has started a count down on his Twitter, with a personal piece of trivia attached, he started at 27 with...

“27-My Dads number when he played in the NHL. Also my ranking in the top 50 WCW superstars of all time. Also today’s date.”

Then followed with 26...

“Day 26 is an R&B group formed by P-Diddy in 2007. I was also 26 years old when I won the WCW Cruiserweight Championship for the first time.”

TV title:

Rob Van Dam is the first star put to the public vote, for a TNA TV title shot.

Match Stipulation added:

John Cena vs Big Show at No Way Out will be in a cage.

John Cena:

WWE have obviously changed their minds over giving John Cena time off to deal with his divorce, he is advertised for every SmackDown into and including July, bar 1 in early June.


Will return to the ring for NWA.

WWE 13:

CM Punk will be on the cover of WWE 13, pic to follow.

WWE backstage tensions:

A WWE insider, has said talent are walking on eggshells right now, after the Chris Jericho vs Brazilian flag incident, It is felt that if they are going to suspend someone who doesn't need to be there, for doing his job, what would misbehaviour mean for mid carders, especially with the post WrestleMania talent cuts still to be announced.


WWE.com has reported multiple injuries to Kofi Kingston, R-Truth and Brodus Clay to sell Big Show's heel turn.

Kelly Kelly:

Is taking some time off.

CM Punk:

Says his TNA career will be included on his WWE DVD, that he will retire sooner than anyone thinks, and his thoughts on fans who accuse him of selling out, during a recent Twitter Q&A.

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