Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Today's News

Jillian Hall arrested:

Former WWE star Jillian Hall has been arrested for battery of her husband, they have announced they are separating.

Shelley gone:

Alex Shelley, has been removed from TNA's website, expect an approach from WWE.

Evan Bourne:

The slow healing progress continues, after his accident, but he has announced that he may be off his crutches soon.

Indy star praised:

Ricky Reyes a former ROH wrestler, who was squashed by Ryback a couple of weeks back, was said to have really impressed WWE, he may be an addition to the cruiserweights show, if the Network ever gets going.

Chris Jericho:

Has mocked his WWE status, while at a movie he tweeted...

“Watching Men In Black 3 and Will Smith’s character just got suspended for four weeks. Hahah what a loser!”

JJ Dillon:

Says he hopes, TNA can compete with WWE in the future, but advised that when they get WWE guys to make the switch, they should not let them air their laundry and grudges on TNA TV, and that they should become an alternative product, not with 6 sided ring gimmicks, but a real difference to WWE. (I am sure most wrestling fans would agree).

WWE sack problem emloyee:

WWE have fired the guy TNA are suing them over, after it leaked that he provided contractual information on Every single TNA employee.

TNA PPV news:

TNA going live means they will have to slash PPV's by as much as half from 12 to 6, but they hope for 8, Dixie Carter will announce.

TV title:

Mr Kennedy has been added to the public vote to challenge for the TNA TV title.

Matt Morgan quits:

He says he won't be attending TNA tapings this week, WWE are interested in him.

WWE 13:

THQ have announced the biggest roster in the WWE video games history, almost 200 playable characters will be included.

Possible story line:

Paul Heyman and CM Punk have been a bit cryptic on Twitter, hinting at something...

Heyman... “It’s going to be one wild F’n year!”

Punk... “They have NO idea, Colonel Mustard.Conservatory.Pipe.”


WWE are changing Tensai's character gradually, with a view to him joining the Big Show / Johnny Ace clique.

Happy Birthday:

John Cena did something special for Hornswoggle's birthday after the camera's stopped rolling on this weeks, SmackDown tapings.


It will be announced on SmackDown that CM Punk will defend his title vs Daniel Bryan and Kane at No Way Out.


Will be star judge at a wrestling inspired baking contest, called Sugar Slam.

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