Sunday, May 20, 2012

Today's News

Austin Aries:

Has re-signed for TNA.


Has collapsed for a third time and has been re-hospitalized.

Another car wreck:

A tough weekend for WWE ladies continued with another auto wreck, this time involving Beulah McGillicutty and her 2 daughters, they were fine but their pet dog suffered a seizure.

Macho Man:

WWE are set to release the first posthumous action figure of the Macho Man, as a member of the NWO.

WWE Return:

Sin Cara has returned to action.


Bret Hart's ex wife Julie is set to release an autobiography.

Chris Jericho:

WWE have changed their minds over Chris Jericho again, this week is now expected to be his last.

The Rockers:

Have reunited this weekend (Pic to follow).

Hulk vs Zom's:

Hulk Hogan has starred in a new Zombie Movie. (What'chu gonna do when the walking dead runs wild on you!!!).

Jericho vs Regal:

Chris Jericho and William Regal have had a spat on Twitter...

“Good news! Just signed a deal with Methuselah…I’m gonna wrestle until I’m 946 years old! Hurrah! Congrats fans, you got what u wanted!”

Regal replied:

“Perhaps I should invent some new stuff you can steal from me!”

Jericho responded:

“That would be great since you’ve done nothing new for years”

Finally, Regal ended it with the following:

“While the likes of Chris Jerico and some of his worthless friends make a big production of passing the torch,I just do as I always do without fanfare and truly encourage,train and mentor the younger talent.How dare I call help without getting credit heaped on me.Shame,regal,Shame.”

Linda Hogan:

Has starred in a rap video.

Victoria (TNA's Tara):

Has plugged WWE through her Twitter, telling her fans to check out Lilian Garcia, because she looked stunning.

See No Evil:

Former WWE writer Dan Morrison has revealed how Vince McMahon had an idea for Kane's movie See No Evil...

''Vince wants this scene in the movie where Kane’s character pulls out his penis, and he wants it to be three feet long''. The director had to tell the financier no... Awkward, Don't cross the boss.

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