Thursday, May 10, 2012

Today's News

Steiner vs TNA:

Scott Steiner's war on Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff continues, revealing more dirty secrets and saying he is trying to save TNA.

Pope vs Jannetty:

The Pope (Formerly Elijah Burke) has called out Marty Jannetty. He says he nailed Balls Mahoney in the head with a steel chair full force and almost ended his career. He says he should kiss Hulk Hogan's A-Double-Crooked-Letter, and beg for the chance for an Impact Match and Pope will deal with him, but only if he is dressed like a Rocker, because he wouldn't recognise him otherwise. Jannetty went on a rather long, and sweary rant in response...

“Someone get this word over to big mouth Elijah “The Dope” Burke . it’s really quite simple..take a look at the suicide dive over the top rope on Jerry Lynn(photo below)..Jerry Lynn is one hella competitor, so I brought my A+ game to that took a lot out of me and out of Jerry but,the crowd of 1300 were on their feet cheering BOTH of us on as the match progressed..we gave everything we had in the ring, neither of us had much energy left to walk back to the dressing room, where we were met with a standing ovation. and word in the streets is people have been talking about it ever since..Here’s the thing you need to think about Mr Burke.. I like Jerry he’s a friend, I like Mahoney, he’s a friend(he just couldnt keep up the blistering pace) what that means to you Elijah Butts(whatever your name is this week), things in the ring with you will be a whole hella lot, if you got any “Balls” like your boy Mahoney..stop talking s–t and get in the ring with me. You wanna call me out on where? South Compton Street Corners? Sheeit I’ll come there to you, I probably got more friends there than you gonna find out the in the worse way, I aint your average white brother..(b4 anyone hits me up with this being racist over these comments, consider I have a black girlfriend and the Compton comment is because I heard that’s where he was hidding out, or was “hangin out” this past week with TNA.. I tell you you what Mr. Butts, rather than you just bumpin your gums and flapping your yap all negative about me and what you can do about it, let me put it out there like this..ANY PROMOTER, ANYWHERE WANTS TO BOOK A “”STREET FIGHT”" BETWEEN ME MR BUTTS (OR WHATEVER HE CALLS HIMSELF , THE POPE) I’M READY TO SIGN FOR THE FIGHT RIGHT NOW..ANYWHERE..BUT HEY HOW BOUT THIS MR BUTTS, RAHWAY,NJ WHERE YOUR BOY THREW UP, I’M SURE WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO COME THERE IN HIS DEFENSE AGANST ME..BUT THIS IS OPEN CHALLENGE TO ANYWHERE IN THE COUNTRY, HELL ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!!..POST THIS ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE YOU WANT AND CAN(IN FACT EVERYONE DO THAT, WATCH HOW FAST WE FLUSH THIS RAT OUT).. STEP UP MR BADD AZZ ELIJAH BUTTS..POST THIS ON PLACES YOU RUN YOUR MOUTH.CAUSE WE TALK ABOUT IT, OR WE CAN BE ABOUT IT..I CAN SHOW MUCH BETTER THAN I CAN TELL YOU WHAT’S GONNA HAPPEN TO YO AZZ IF YOU GRAB THE NUTS TO STEP UP IN THE RING IN STREET FIGHT MATCH WITH ME..WAIT,QUIETLY LISTEN FOR A COUPLE SECONDS……..YOU HEAR THAT?…THAT’S THE SOUND OF MR. BUTTS s–tTING IN HIS PANTS RIGHT NOW!”

Foley health issues:

Mick Foley has been told to stay away from computer screens, due to his history of concussions. This may end his chances of having one more match with WWE, who are now extremely cautious over head injuries after the Chris Benoit events.


WWE banned signs with The Bella's names on, from the SmackDown tapings.

Punk spoils return:

CM Punk was allowed to spoil the return of Paul Heyman on his Twitter, to get the ''Smart Fans'' interested for the show. He was one of the only people who knew about Heyman's return beforehand.

Bruce vs Bret:

Bruce Hart has called his brother Bret a ''Mark'' and criticised his handling of the Montreal screwjob incident.

TNA signing:

MMA star King Mo Lawal has signed for TNA.

Gail Kim:

Congratulations to Gail Kim who is marrying a celebrity chef today.

Cena to divorce:

John Cena has filed for divorce from his High school sweethart. He has ALLEGEDLY!!! had a fling with a number of WWE Diva's but has always gone back to his Wife Liz. But he, with the help of Linda Hogan's lawyer has made the decision to end his marriage. His Wife though refuses to sign the divorce papers, wanting the relationship to continue.

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