Saturday, May 12, 2012

Today's News


Tapings will be held at the FCW arena from now on, to allow a smoother transition for developmental stars to join the main roster within WWE.

New signing:

King Mo Lawal will return to OVW to train this summer, he was there when WWE were looking at him, now he is to return as a TNA employee.

Cena vs YouTube:

John Cena has upset YouTube star Ed Bassmaster (???) he was riding a shuttle bus with JC and asked him for a photo for his nephew, John Cena shot him down, causing Ed to bin his Cena action figure on his show.

ECW star retires:

After his recent auto wreck, ECW original Axl Rotten has decided to end his 24 year in ring career, his last match (The night of the wreck) was against his former tag partner Balls Mahoney, he says that was a great way to go out.

Justice for Otunga's future wife:

David Otunga's future wife finally got justice for the Murders of 3 of her family when her former Brother in law was convicted for the crimes. Otunga supported Jennifer Hudson at the court house throughout the trial.

Steph supports her Mum:

Stephanie McMahon - Helmsley has appeared in an advert supporting her Mother's political ambitions.

House Show news:

Beth Phoenix was back in action, Dean Ambrose debuted, and Mason was once again working with Ziggler.

Steele ill:

George The Animal Steele says he has just been released from Hospital after a long stay, he did not say why he was there.

Big firing:

Big Show may be fired on Raw if he does not apologize to John Laurinaitis (Kayfabe).

Lawler wants friend in HOF:

Jerry Lawler is campaigning for his friend and rival Andy Kaufman to be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame.

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