Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Today's News

Scott Steiner:

Has compared TNA to the Titanic...

“Right now, I’m trying to save TNA because its The Titanic and its sinking fast because Hogan and Bischoff are doing the same bullsh** they did to destroy WCW. It took them 1 1/2 months to drive TNA to its lowest ratings ever. The best way to save it is to jump off and be the voice for the guys that can’t say anything.”

Evan Bourne:

Potentially sad news for Evan Bourne fans, his foot injury (Photo's on the page), may cost him his career. His doctor was quoted as saying...

“It is unknown whether or not Bourne will return to wrestling after this injury but one thing is certain – it’s going to be a long road to recovery.”

Hall Of Famer Dies:

We have sadly lost WWE Hall Of Famer Chief Jay Strongbow, I will post his tribute album on R.I.P Dead Wrestlers later, for you to share your memories and tributes.

Mick Foley vs Rookie:

FCW star Dean Ambrose got into a heated confrontation at WrestleMania with Mick Foley, it is not known if it was an angle, or something planned by the two but children present were visibly upset. He has now been told he is ready to move onto the main roster, so this could be his debut feud.

AJ vs TNA:

AJ Styles has had a dig at TNA, when asked by a fan on Twitter if he would job in 18 seconds for a WrestleMania match, he said it was longer than he has had on TV in the past 2 weeks.

Epico vs WWE:

Tag Champ Epico has shot on WrestleMania's booking, with...

“I thought this was WRESTLEMania…. No CONCERTmania… Who did Flo-rida and that MGK beat??? I guess they beat the tag champs” (And many others) Rosa Mendes joined him in his criticism.


Will get his right foot amputated tomorrow.

18 Seconds:

Bret Hart says he is glad the fans were vocally displeased that one of WWE's best workers was jobbed out in 18 seconds. (Refering to Daniel Bryan).

Rikishi unhappy:

Rikishi feels Yokozuna's Hall Of Fame induction was rushed, and was not happy.


Former WWE Star, and the first male Tough Enough winner Maven, may be jailed for 5 years, after being caught collecting drugs from different doctors, it is thought he has fraudulently obtained more than 1000 pills, he is currently on a $2,000 bond.

WWE return:

Abraham Washington is another star that returned to WWE on Raw.

The Rock:

WWE are working on an angle where The Rock could get into the WWE Championship feuds. (It is looking like Brock Lesnar vs The Rock for the WWE title at WrestleMania 29).


Justin Gabriel has torn ligaments and Stressed Muscles but will not require surgery.

Major WWE Fail:

Randy Orton has been pulled from starring in The Marine 3, after the marine corps, complained about Randy Orton deserting them and being dishonourably discharged, before becoming a WWE star.

He spent 38 days in prison in 1999, Cpl. Mike Vinn, who was in a unit with Orton, became furious when he found out Orton was going to be starring in the movie, he said...

“I am disgusted that his face and the word Marine are being used next to each other — real or fake — because of the fact that he quit us, the country, and the Marine Corps. Randy in the role of a Marine is a disgrace to those that have worn and are wearing that uniform.”

John Cena, Cody Rhodes or CM Punk will take over the part.

Clash of the Promotions:

WWE and TNA were both in Orlando last night.

Albert vs Tensai:

After WWE pointlessly tried to brush over Matt (Lord Tensai) Bloom's previous run with them, they have put a feature on their website acknowledging his previous career and the reason for his new character.

Personal Note...

I don't know why they didn't acknowledge him, Lawler and Cole pretending they didn't know him, and had to research this new guy, that they worked with for 5 years during the attitude era was stupid. Anyone who is old enough to remember his first run, knows that wrestlers play characters, and this is his new one, anyone younger can just take him as he is, without the preconceived ideas of his previous roles.

To quote Ron Simmons... DAMN!!!

Lord Tensai will challenge CM Punk for the WWE title soon.

Torrie Wilson:

Said, she could not handle the WWE schedule, but if she could have one more match, it would be against Vickie Guerrero.

Daniel Bryan:

Addressed the crowd after Raw went off the air last night saying'' If you think last night (WrestleMania) was the worst night of my career, than chant... ''Yes'' The whole arena blew up... Message sent.

WWE say the reason for the squash is not because their is any heat on D-Bry but that they want The brogue kick, to be the company's most dominant move.


Will join Zack Ryder as his new Girl, leading to a feud with Eve Torres.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

Skip Sheffield re-debut's as Ryback, and Idol Stevens re-debut's as Damien Sandow also Alberto Del Rio returns from injury.

Next Weeks Raw:

The new 3 Stooges will host Raw next week.


Says an announcement is coming soon.

Brock Lesnar:

Is getting the same locker room heat that The Rock has been getting for the past year.

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