Sunday, April 15, 2012

Today's News

Scott Hall:

Dana, the ex wife of Scott Hall has stated that he former husband has ''Gone past the point of return'' in his self destruction, and she hinted that his death may gave his children some peace, and save her and her family the embarrassment he has caused with his drink and drugs abuse. He had been training his son Cody to get into the wrestling biz, before his latest slip.

Kurt Angle:

Despite being injured and out of the Olympics, Kurt Angle will have a part to play at TNA's Lockdown PPV tonight.

Bella Twins:

Unusually for the WWE, it has emerged that The Bella's do not have the standard 90 days no compete clause in their contracts, which means they could jump straight to another promotion when they leave the company at the end of this month if they wanted, it is thought however that they want to do other things away from the wrestling world.

New signing:

Rima Fakih has apparently signed for the WWE. No conformation from either side yet.

Lilian Garcia:

May be about to have her first match in her more than 10 year association with the WWE, WWE have been running a storyline at house shows where she comes to blows with Natlaya Neidhart, it may come to TV this week on SmackDown.

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