Thursday, April 5, 2012

Today's News

Evan Bourne:

Despite his doctor's negative outlook, Evan Bourne is more confident of recovering from his injury, he said on Twitter that the bones have been repositioned and it is now just a waiting game.

Big news on Owen Hart:

His wife Martha has lost all of her lawsuits against WWE and the McMahon's. A federal judge, said in his summing up that the WWE had a right to the wrestling career of Owen Hart. This means they can use his image on their website, in video games and action figures, and that Martha can not legally block the WWE from inducting Owen into the Hall Of Fame.

Trayvon Martin:

WWE star Titus O'Neill wore a hoodie on NXT, in support of youngster Trayvon Martin who was murdered in Florida.


WWE have offered to help Maven with his current problems (See yesterday).

Brock Lesnar:

Will compete at Extreme Rules.

Paul Heyman:

While there is no plans yet, WWE and Paul Heyman have not ruled out the possibility of him following Brock Lesnar back to the company.

Marine 3:

The Pope (Former WWE star Elijah Burke) stated on Twitter that Kofi Kingston or JTG will take over the lead role in The Marine 3, after Randy Orton was pulled (See yesterday).

The Ultimate Warrior:

Is out of action with a torn bicep.

The Rock:

Who has started to film a new movie, has told ESPN he has signed a 1 year contract With WWE.


Drew McIntyre was injured at WrestleMania (Shoulder).

Heat on Daniel Bryan:

WWE are not happy that Daniel Bryan's after show promo on Raw has caught on, Fans at the Smackdown taping's were heard to chant Yes! Yes! Yes! during his entrance.


Former WWE star Tajiri who is rumoured to be returning to the WWE later this year, after closing down his promotion in Japan, has announced he is opening a new one.

WWE Network:

WWE are reaching out to former announce team members, to work on the WWE Network, so they don't put too much pressure / workload on the current team.

Wrestler pay:

Brock Lesnar is the second highest (Behind John Cena) paid star within WWE. ($5 Million base salary is rumoured).

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