Saturday, April 7, 2012

Today's News

Brock Lesnar:

Will appear on Raw next week and again on April 23rd. He will work 30 - 40 dates between now and WrestleMania 29.

Scott Steiner:

Continues to attack TNA, he claims the office control the Twitter accounts of it's stars.

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair's TNA days are numbered. He openly stated he wants to come back to WWE during his Hall Of Fame speech, and in a radio interview he was asked about his last match, and he said it was the WrestleMania retirement match against Shawn Michaels, not acknowledging his TNA career. His contract ends at the end of this year, and a WWE deal will be waiting to be signed when he is free.

Creative plans:

WWE are playing with the idea of a Sheamus vs Brock Lesnar feud somewhere down the line.

Marine 3:

WWE need to make a decision on who will replace Randy Orton in the lead role of the Marine 3, because filming begins in June.

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