Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Today's News

The Rock:

Will produce and host a new reality show, called The Hero, looking for the next big action movie star.

Marty Jannetty:

Has called into question WWE's policy of rehab for former superstars in comparison with their attitude towards superstars who need help with legitimate health issues...

“Why does the WWE spend money on those who did stuff recreationally,” I’ll use Scott Hall as an example. He is a friend, but it is out there, it was on ESPN, so it is no secret. From what I understand, he has been in and out of rehab ten times. That was from the partying and choices made that had nothing to do with what was work related.”

“Using myself as an example, I have asked them (WWE) if there is anything that can be done about my ankles. I have to take a lot of pain medication for it; way more than what is an average dose. Really, no more than anyone else who is in full contact sports. We all (wrestlers) have a very high threshold of pain to begin with and we are in good condition. We can handle more than most. Where one person can take a Vicodin and have the pain go away, a highly trained professional athlete has to take four or five times that dosage, and that is where you are getting into a danger zone. If I’m trying to take care of everybody pain, and walking is something we take for granted and I need pain medication just for that and it is work related than the answer should be yes.”

William Regal:

Has withdrawn himself from the UK tour, due to a family issue.

Cena vs US Army:

The Marines have challenged John Cena to a push up contest, first to score 2012 reps wins. The marine who issued the challenge wants to do 1,000,000 total push ups in support of Wounded Warrior's, a charity for injured servicemen.

New promotion:

Booker T has started promoting his new promotion Reality Of Wrestling, which you can watch on YouTube.

Bella Twins:

The Bella's have finally been used on the European tour, in a tag match in Rome.


WWE are toying with the idea of moving SmackDown to Tuesday's and film it live, in the hopes of stopping spoilers from getting out from the taped shows. The show is currently recorded on Tuesday and broadcast on a Friday.

Fans in attendance for the SmackDown tapings in London reported being censored throughout the show, Yes! chants were silenced by ring staff, signs were removed etc. leaving many disappointed with their experience.

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