Friday, April 20, 2012

Today's News


The 14 year WWE career of Edge will officially end on May 1st, when his current deal expires, it is expected that he will be offered a contract similar to that of Shawn Michaels, where he will return to further storylines or for occasional appearances, but will be a free agent and will be able to accept his own Movie / TV deals etc.

Actor dig at WWE:

One of the new 3 Stooges, who appeared on Raw a couple of weeks ago, has ridiculed the company saying he was ashamed of the appearance and would never attend WWE as a fan. (Happy to accept a cheque though... Whore!!!).

Foley vs Rookie:

The Mick Foley vs Dean Ambrose feud has been confirmed and will be used to push Ambrose straight to the top of the roster.

Maybe scratch that last post, Mick Foley has just blogged on this and he his upset that Ambrose has been using his kids to build the feud, Foley asked him not to, but Ambrose stepped up the intensity of his comments against them. Read the entry for yourself...

''Look, Ive been accused from time to time of taking some things in the business a little too seriously. Maybe I do. But like that sailor-man of old, "I am what I am, and that's all that I am." After all these years, there are some things that just bother me.

Remember that "Cane Dewey" promo from 1995 that so many are still fond of? It actually came from a very heavy place in my heart, when my wife impressed on me just how sick it was for any fan to be making a sign advocating the beating (even in jest) of my 3-year-old child.

That's the immediate feeling I got when I actually read the Dean Ambrose tweet that mentioned his dream to seeing me no longer able to make a dime in the wrestling business—with a particularly nasty mention of how he wanted to see my home repossessed and my children starved.

Maybe the 1995 Cactus Jack would have cut a promo on the guy. The 2102 Mick Foley just wonders what would make someone say something so stupid, heartless and ignorant.

I felt Dean Ambrose had crossed a line that shouldn't be crossed, so took the opportunity before the Hampton, Virginia SmackDown to ask/tell him to please stop crossing a line that I wasn't comfortable with.

Ric Flair had once asked a similar consideration of me before a memorable promo we shared in New Jersey in 2006. Of course I honored his request. Ours is a business built on trust and respect. I thought Dean Ambrose understood this.

But less than a day after making my request, I saw that my children were once again the subject of his tweets—a reference to how I might feel differently about something if my children were in wheelchairs. Maybe I would have cut a heck of a promo about it in 1995. Seventeen years later, I just wanted to get the fuck away from the whole scenario. It's not fun, it's not cutting edge. It just sucks''.

Foley ain't happy.

WWE cuts:

Add Curt Hawkins to Tyler Reks as names expected to be on the cuts list set to be announced by the WWE. He has started to accept and promote Indy appearances. Like Reks this had to be expected after their YouTube cartoon failed with the office. Curt though has spent the past year helping The Rock get ready for WrestleMania 28, way to thank the guy WWE!!!.


Has commented on his future, saying although he is a veteran and misses not having his Brother Edge around, he feels he still has plenty of goals yet to achieve.

Lesnar heat:

Some of the WWE roster including Booker T, Goldust and William Regal took offence to Brock Lesnar's comments that John Cena would be carrying his bags if he hadn't left WWE.

Rowdy Roddy Piper:

Says he will have one more match for WWE and is working on an angle that will see him team with his son Colt, who competes in MMA.

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