Monday, April 23, 2012

Today's News

I don't know how many of you guys are English, but for those that are...

Happy St George's day!!!


Hulk Hogan Says there are major changes coming to TNA. The talent in the back have not taken kindly to his comments.

Paul Heyman:

Denies being involved in Brock Lesnar's WWE promo's.

WWE record:

Beth Phoenix will become the longest reigning WWE Diva's Champion if she keeps the title past May 1st. The 213 day record is currently held by Maryse.


Jerry Lawler will do the animations for Mick Foley's christmas children's book, which features many of the WWE stars as characters.

WWE cuts:

Derrick Bateman's profile has been re-added to via the NXT tab, Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks have been removed however.

British Bulldog:

Georgia Smith has written an article about her late Father The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith, to be published later this week.

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