Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Today's News

Jerry Lawler:

Is getting some heat for an insensitive remark at WrestleMania, he said of John Laurinitis...

''His Suit is so ugly, it would give Brother Love a heart attack''.

Brother Love did suffer a double heart attack just a few weeks ago, and is still recovering.


Justin Gabriel was injured in the pre WrestleMania dark match, (Pic to follow).

Raw News:

Brock Lesnar and Matt (Lord Tensai) Bloom returned last night, Brock will make 2 appearances per month leading to a match at WrestleMania 29 vs either John Cena or The Rock. FCW star Sakamoto also debuted as Lord Tensai's running buddy.

The crowd were described as ''Super hot, it felt like 10-12 years ago'' by a fan in the crowd, WWE may also be relaxing the PG era, because the crowds ''Holy S**T chants when Brock appeared were aired.

Chris Jericho Says he meant to fall, and that he never makes mistakes.

The Rock:

Wants a title shot.

Ric Flair:

Has now returned to work with TNA.

WWE 12:

WWE are releasing a special WrestleMania edition of their WWE 12 video game in Europe in May.


Triple H's ''Major announcent'' on FCW will be later this week.

Curt Hawkins:

Chris Jericho thanked Curt Hawkins for WrestleMania, he said he couldn't have done the match without him, IDK why.

Alberto Del Rio:

Will return to TV action vs Sheamus on SmackDown. If he wins he gets a title shot. Kane and Randy Orton will also have a WrestleMania rematch.


A 24 year old man was killed during WrestleMania when his 14 year old cousin applied a rear naked choke hold...

Full Story...

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