Thursday, May 31, 2012

Today's News

Drugs ban:

Randy Orton has been suspended for a wellness policy fail, it was his 2nd fail, meaning a 60 day ban, Some fans have correctly noted that Randy was suspended a third time in 2006, but WWE have confirmed that was for unprofessional behaviour, and was not related to wellness issues. Three bans mean automatic release, no one has yet fallen victim to the 3 strikes and your out rule, but Jeff Hardy walked before he was pushed, and Umaga was released after refusing to undergo rehab. This suspension means that both sides of an arranged match at the next PPV have gone, Orton was due to face Chris Jericho next, Dolph Ziggler will be disappointed too, he was due to take Y2J's spot.

Brooke Hogan:

Two former TNA ladies, have ridiculed Hulk Hogan and his daughter, via their Twitter. Daffney and Rain, criticised Brooke being put in charge of the Women's division.

Mania 29 SPOILER!!!:

The Undertaker will face Brock Lesnar at next years WrestleMania, according to a leak in WWE creative.

WWE veteran Released:

WWE have fired long term staffer and former wrestler Dr. Tom Prichard, who also wrestled as Bodydonna Zip, he debuted in 1993, and was currently working as head trainer at FCW, Bill DeMott will take his place.

Andy Leavine:

Tough Enough winner Andy Leavine says he was released by WWE to gain experience, as FCW wasn't a good fit for him. He is free to wrestle independently as of June 2nd.

Bobby Roode:

Has hinted at following Alex Shelley out of TNA and onto WWE, via his Twitter, he wished his former rival luck, and said...

''See you down the road''.

Alex despite rumours that he left to go straight to WWE, has announced he wanted to try his hand in Japan, and that he had the contracts for an NJPW run, and also a spell with DGUSA was planned, before he got the call from WWE.

Konnan ill:

Former WCW star Konnan, is suffering from Manic Depression.

TV title:

Robbie E, is the third star put to the vote for a TNA TV title match.

WWE star to leave:

Joey Styles has hinted at his WWE departure, he has announced he is available for indy appearances.

WWE star returns:

Justin Gabriel is back in action, he injured his arm in the WrestleMania pre show match.

WWE auditions:

WWE were doing a casting call session for fans at WrestleMania Axxess, and they have decided that 1 of those fans was good enough to appear in their new movie, The Marine 3, he was told on Skype by the movie's star, The Miz.

New signing:

WWE have confirmed thay have signed Welsh wrestler Stevie Starr, he will be sent to FCW.


Mark Henry says he underwent shoulder surgery, not groin, as originally thought, he will be back in the summer.

WWE Porn:

It seems the journalist, threatened with a lawsuit by WWE, has decided not to end his attacks on Linda McMahon, writing another article denouncing WWE's treatment of women.

Survivor Series:

WWE have changed the venue for this years Survivor Series, because they do not want to compete against an NFL game which will happen the same night, they could have brought the event forward a week, but Justin Beiber has a concert that week, so they are thought to be looking for a different city.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan:

Has aired his views on another former wrestler whilst promoting his book, this time Scott (Razor Ramon) Hall...

“A lot of people feel sorry for Scott Hall. I don’t feel sorry for Scott Hall at all,” Duggan wrote. “I mean, Scott made his own bed, now he has to lie in it. The guy has had more opportunities. I wish I had an opportunity to make the money Scott Hall has had in this profession. For him to flush it down the toilet, hey good riddance.”

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Today's News

Jillian Hall arrested:

Former WWE star Jillian Hall has been arrested for battery of her husband, they have announced they are separating.

Shelley gone:

Alex Shelley, has been removed from TNA's website, expect an approach from WWE.

Evan Bourne:

The slow healing progress continues, after his accident, but he has announced that he may be off his crutches soon.

Indy star praised:

Ricky Reyes a former ROH wrestler, who was squashed by Ryback a couple of weeks back, was said to have really impressed WWE, he may be an addition to the cruiserweights show, if the Network ever gets going.

Chris Jericho:

Has mocked his WWE status, while at a movie he tweeted...

“Watching Men In Black 3 and Will Smith’s character just got suspended for four weeks. Hahah what a loser!”

JJ Dillon:

Says he hopes, TNA can compete with WWE in the future, but advised that when they get WWE guys to make the switch, they should not let them air their laundry and grudges on TNA TV, and that they should become an alternative product, not with 6 sided ring gimmicks, but a real difference to WWE. (I am sure most wrestling fans would agree).

WWE sack problem emloyee:

WWE have fired the guy TNA are suing them over, after it leaked that he provided contractual information on Every single TNA employee.

TNA PPV news:

TNA going live means they will have to slash PPV's by as much as half from 12 to 6, but they hope for 8, Dixie Carter will announce.

TV title:

Mr Kennedy has been added to the public vote to challenge for the TNA TV title.

Matt Morgan quits:

He says he won't be attending TNA tapings this week, WWE are interested in him.

WWE 13:

THQ have announced the biggest roster in the WWE video games history, almost 200 playable characters will be included.

Possible story line:

Paul Heyman and CM Punk have been a bit cryptic on Twitter, hinting at something...

Heyman... “It’s going to be one wild F’n year!”

Punk... “They have NO idea, Colonel Mustard.Conservatory.Pipe.”


WWE are changing Tensai's character gradually, with a view to him joining the Big Show / Johnny Ace clique.

Happy Birthday:

John Cena did something special for Hornswoggle's birthday after the camera's stopped rolling on this weeks, SmackDown tapings.


It will be announced on SmackDown that CM Punk will defend his title vs Daniel Bryan and Kane at No Way Out.


Will be star judge at a wrestling inspired baking contest, called Sugar Slam.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Today's News


The feeling is that TNA have gone overboard with their lawsuit vs WWE and it is likely the courts will not be favourable to their claims.

TNA star quits:

Don West has quit TNA, and may be going into hockey.

WWE split:

Dolph Ziggler has hinted at a break from Vickie Guerrero via his Twitter.

Brock Lesnar:

Brock probably won't be appearing at this weekend's UFC show after all. Lesnar went into business for himself with this apparently, telling WWE he was trying to further his story lines, and telling UFC he wanted to get back with them A.S.A.P. He was knocked back because Dana White (UFC boss) doesn't want to be linked with pro wrestling.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan:

Has revealed, how he felt Stone Cold Steve Austin, screwed him in a match in WCW, whilst promoting his new book. He says they still don't get on...

“Yea, I think that was when the business started changing. Contracts started getting involved. Guys started worrying about there own personal image and how they would move on from 1 company to another. That was the change from the old days when you would pass the torch if you were leaving. You did the job for the guy. The guy did the job for you. That was the 1st time I saw that where Austin was worried about taking care of himself and went down with the bogus injury shortly into the match. “I had words with him right after it happened and the little bit right then. Of course he went on to have an outstanding and unbelievable career. Obviously the guy was very talented, not my favorite person to say the least.”

Little Dragon:

Richie Steamboat, Son of The Dragon Ricky Steamboat will make his main roster debut vs Drew McIntyre on this weekends live SmackDown show.

Chris Jericho:

Has started a count down on his Twitter, with a personal piece of trivia attached, he started at 27 with...

“27-My Dads number when he played in the NHL. Also my ranking in the top 50 WCW superstars of all time. Also today’s date.”

Then followed with 26...

“Day 26 is an R&B group formed by P-Diddy in 2007. I was also 26 years old when I won the WCW Cruiserweight Championship for the first time.”

TV title:

Rob Van Dam is the first star put to the public vote, for a TNA TV title shot.

Match Stipulation added:

John Cena vs Big Show at No Way Out will be in a cage.

John Cena:

WWE have obviously changed their minds over giving John Cena time off to deal with his divorce, he is advertised for every SmackDown into and including July, bar 1 in early June.


Will return to the ring for NWA.

WWE 13:

CM Punk will be on the cover of WWE 13, pic to follow.

WWE backstage tensions:

A WWE insider, has said talent are walking on eggshells right now, after the Chris Jericho vs Brazilian flag incident, It is felt that if they are going to suspend someone who doesn't need to be there, for doing his job, what would misbehaviour mean for mid carders, especially with the post WrestleMania talent cuts still to be announced.

Injuries: has reported multiple injuries to Kofi Kingston, R-Truth and Brodus Clay to sell Big Show's heel turn.

Kelly Kelly:

Is taking some time off.

CM Punk:

Says his TNA career will be included on his WWE DVD, that he will retire sooner than anyone thinks, and his thoughts on fans who accuse him of selling out, during a recent Twitter Q&A.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Today's News

WWE list:

The WWE top talkers list, has not gone down well, Roddy Piper, CM Punk and Jim Ross, are some of the names that have come out with negative opinions on the poll.

Ivory vs The Kat:

A personal feud has restarted online, between ex WWE stars Ivory and The Kat, Ivory discussed how The Kat used her relationship with Jerry Lawler to get into script meetings, and got herself a part as Chyna's sidekick, and most frustratingly for the then Women's champ Ivory, a run with that title, The Kat replied, remembering an altercation the night of the title change, where she was sitting in the back eating Kit Kat's and Ivory angrily challenged her, saying she works hard to get where she was, while The Kat sits and eats chocolates, Ivory also claimed that she had herself put into the Right To Censor group (Which Ivory was a member of) to wind her up.

Brock Lesnar:

Has met with UFC president Dana White with a view to appearing at this weekends UFC show, Expect WWE to promote the event on Raw, to further the story of Brock quitting, Paul Heyman is also in Las Vegas (Where the meeting happened).

New Arena:

WWE will host the first PPV event at the new Barclays Centre in Brooklyn, New York. December's TLC.

Arn Anderson:

Is set to be a ''Special enforcer'' for next weeks SmackDown main event cage match, between Sheamus, Kane, Alberto Del Rio and Randy Orton.


WWE are looking for a new creative director (Lead Writer).

Now vs then:

Former WWE Tag Team champions Primo and Epico, will face former WWE stars John Morrison and Shelton Benjamin, in Puerto Rico this weekend.

TNA lawsuit:

Ric Flair has been brought into the TNA lawsuit against WWE, regarding his Hall Of Fame appearance, despite TNA saying it had nothing to do with it.

Jericho done with WWE:

Chris Jericho has said on his Twitter that he is done with this WWE run, suspension or not.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Today's News


Have made a bold decision to allow wrestlers to write and perform their own promo's and backstage interviews, rather than the usual scripted performances, (OLDSKOOL FTW). Hopefully, this will work, and make some Jake The Snake's or Dusty Rhodes, and not have rambling nonsense like The Ultimate Warrior, or Hulk Hogan.

New signing:

Good news for fans of Welsh independent star Stevie Starr, he is on his way for medical tests with FCW, and if he passes, he will be signed to a WWE developmental deal. Good luck to him.

Brock Lesnar:

UFC president Dana White has joined in the WWE / Brock Lesnar storyline that he has quit, when asked if Brock might come back, he said that it was a possibility and that they were talking.

WWE 13:

Trailers have been launched officially, after THQ botched the revolution viral ad campaign by WWE, the game should hit stores in November.

PPV renamed:

WWE have renamed the No Way Out PPV in Germany, it will instead be called No Escape. This is because they name the Elimination Chamber, No Way Out in the country.


It seems WWE will not confirm Triple H vs Brock Lesnar until the final Raw before SummerSlam, this is the next date advertised for both men to appear.

Roy Nelson:

UFC star Roy Nelson says he will, win the UFC title and then take it to WWE to challenge Brock Lesnar.

Vince Russo:

Has given a rare interview, and revealed that Mick Foley was bumped out of the WrestleMania 15 main event, hinting that Shawn Michaels got into Vince's ear and had the match changed. You can read highlights from the interview here.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Today's News

Chris Jericho vs Brazilian flag:

Fellow wrestlers have jumped to the defense of Chris Jericho over the flag incident...

Shawn Michaels...

''Seems to me I’d blame the horrific PC world we’ve allowed ourselves to be caught up in where you can’t “act” & have it called “acting.” BS!!

I’ll stand behind @IAmJericho any day of the week & twice on Sunday…what’s the big “E” stand for in WWE anyway!!''

We do have to remember that Shawn once wiped his nose on the Canadian flag, so he has previous in this field himself.


''Chris did what most old heels would have done, he reacted and a decade ago it would have been loved for the heat. However, times change and we have to as well''.

Jim Ross:

“He was playing the part of a wrestling villain in an entertainment based entity”.

Lance Strom:

“Thoughts on @IAmJericho He didn’t do anything that hasn’t been done a million times in wrestling. Wrong place & times change.”

Personal Note...

I felt that this may have been WWE giving him his out, but I have seen footage and it was a completely spare of the moment act, I will post the footage in a sec for you to make up your own mind, but I will give Jericho the benefit of the doubt, He made a mistake, he apologised, lets move on, WWE.

Chris Jericho has been banned for 30 days, but is still advertised for next months PPV on June 17th.

WWE did not send Chris Jericho straight home, as they told Brazilian authorities, he went on to Ecuador with the crew, and only landed in Miami this morning.

Roode in UK:

TNA champion Bobby Roode has been to England to cut a promo in front of Big Ben to promote the next UK event.

The Rock:

Says he will be back in WWE early in 2013, to work on his story lines for WrestleMania 29.

WWE Porn:

WWE are threatening to sue the reporter who compared WWE to Pornography unless they immediately retract.

TV champ:

TNA are having a vote on their website, to determine who will challenge their TV champ Devon, it is going to be a fixed though, they will add a new nominee every day of next week, so the person added on Monday will be able to score more votes than the wrestlers added during the rest of the week.

WWE list:

They have posted their top 25 Talkers.

Guerrero sick:

Vickie Guerrero is off the road at the moment, due to stomach flu.


Squashed former SWM champion Chase Owens and former ROH star Ricky Reyes this week.

Zach Gowen:

Has a part as a stunt worker in the new movie Hatchet 3. (I hope Parry Shen is back again, love his characters in 1 and 2).


The press have picked up on TNA suing WWE.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Today's News

Jim Ross:

Says WWE have not expressed interest in him appearing on Raw 1000 in July (He will though, expect stars from all era's of WWE to mark the event).


After a ton of negative press after their last show, Extreme Reunion has re-branded itself as Extreme Rising.


American Idol will perform at SummerSlam.


Is to make the most of his firing from WWE, he will get married over the summer and then go to Japan.

Oklahama ban:

More on a story I reported earlier in the year, Oklahoma had banned PPV's from their state, well it has been ruled to be unconstitutional by the senate, so that is that, WWE, UFC and boxing will be pleased.

Triple H:

Has been praised for the success of NXT, which he has been running solo, it is has been said that the show is run better than Raw and SmackDown.

Flair quits:

TNA insider's have said that Ric Flair has quit, waiting for conformation.

Jericho suspended:

WWE did make it to Brazil, but there was issues when the show happened, Chris Jericho was almost arrested last night after stomping on the Brazilian flag, to get cheap heat, WWE managed to calm furious local officials, but had to ''Indefinitely Suspend'' him for his actions. The incident happened when a flag was thrown into the ring by a fan, CM Punk held it up to a huge pop, Jericho (The heel) pulled the flag from him and kicked it out of the ring, during the match a ref came to the ring and spoke to Jericho, leading him to grab a mike and apologise to the fans (During the match), after the end of the match Punk stayed to entertain the crowd, while Jericho was rushed to the back to be spoken to by the Police. He was put on the next flight out of the country. Jericho has said on his Twitter that he loves Brazil. WWE say they did not know about, approve or condone the incident.

Personal Note... This is probably the excuse to get him off the road for his band tour, (A-hole way of doing it, offending an entire country).

Rotunda boys:

WWE are high on The Rotunda Brothers (Sons of IRS).

Mark Henry:

Has made his first Comments since his op, but did not say how it went.

NWA exec wanted:

NWA Exec. Bob Trobich has been found to be in contempt of court for failure to appear and answer questions relating to the NWA bank account which has been missing for months.

WrestleMania UK:

English WrestleMania 30? (FTW) I told you about the cryptic message in WWE's magazine yesterday, well WWE are apparently going to be looking closely at the Olympic stadium, this summer and also would like a return to Wembley after the success of SummerSlam '92.

Shaggy was there, it was The Miz's favourite catchphrase... Trust!!!.

Doug Williams:

Will be sent to OVW to train future TNA stars, it appears his ring days may be over. Shame, one of of Britains finest.

TNA to sue WWE:

They are suing the WWE, Specifically Brian Wittenstein who after leaving TNA's office went to WWE, and has been divulging contract details, such as length, pay and get out clauses, of their talent, in the view to help WWE get TNA guys to make the switch. WWE through their Lawyers have said ''We did what any company would have done with this information''. They have been asked to destroy or return any sensitive information.

Angle to MMA:

Dixie Carter says TNA are trying to help Kurt Angle get into MMA.

Wrestler Rap:

John Cena has recorded a rap track with former WWE colleague MVP. MVP also stated that whilst in WWE he approached Vince McMahon with the idea of forming a rap super-group (Himself, Cena and R-Truth) and even had a track ready to record, He says it would have been a platinum seller, Vince didn't go for it.

HBK praises Vince:

Shawn Michaels has put Vince over for not firing him from WWE during his first run.

New Alumni:

WWE have added Lex Luger and Paul Bearer to their Alumni section.

Sunny illness:

Sunny has used her Facebook to express her anger and hurt that, some dirt sheet websites turned her recent sickness into a drugs OD and stated she was fighting for her life. (Not this site, I hasten to add, we do things right).

Ex star to sue WWE:

Doug Somers is suing WWE for using footage of him on Shawn Michaels DVD amongst others.

UFC star to WWE:

Roy Nelson a UFC star has claimed he is jumping to WWE for a match vs Brock Lesnar. No conformation from WWE yet.

Former WWE star makes the chart:

Amy Weber a former WWE star has made it to number 33 on the US Music charts with a self released single, Congrats to her.

Japanese stars arrested:

Japanese great Nosawa and his girlfriend Masami Odate have been arrested for Marijuana possession.


Seth Rollins said last night was to be the last FCW tapings, he was wrong but only by a couple of weeks, WWE have confirmed the show will end on June 7th.


Dean Ambrose who is set to be promoted to the main roster, may have hit a setback, he injured his shoulder vs FCW champ Seth Rollins last night in the main event, according to fans in attendance.

Beth Phoenix is working double duty right now, taking on Rosa Mendes' workload while she recovers from her auto wreck.

Viral botch:

THQ botched WWE's current viral campaign, by uploading the next video earlier than scheduled, revealing the campaign is for the WWE13 video game.

New gimmick for Guerrero:

Shaul Guerrero (Daughter of Eddie and Vickie) has been given a new character, (one turned down by Layla) a Lady Gaga style gimmick with a blonde wig and extravagant outfits.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Today's News

Finisher banned:

Randy Orton says his Punt Kick Finisher has been banned due to concussion awareness.

Owen Hart:

JBL shared his memories of Owen Hart's last night, on his Facebook, you can read it over on R.I.P Dead Wrestlers.

Past star visits WWE:

Gene Snitsky was backstage at SmackDown this week.

Sunny sick:

Sunny has been hospitalized will gastroenteritis.

WrestleMania UK?:

WWE have hinted at a possible international (UK) WrestleMania. In their magazine they have stated that WrestleMania 29 will be in New York, and that WrestleMania 30 will be held in a city of ''Olympic Stature''.

Rock movie delayed:

The Rock's movie GI Joe 2 has been pushed back by 1 year.

FCW axed:

According to current FCW champion Seth Rollins, tonight will be the last FCW TV Tapings.

Rey Re-signs:

WWE have extended Rey Mysterio's contract by 10 months until August 2013.

Main event news:

Interesting note on WWE PPV main events, the World or WWE title has not been defended in the main event since December 2011's TLC show.

Chris Jericho:

Has asked fans, to enjoy his current run and not to obsess over when he is leaving.

Japan loves Johnny:

There is huge interest in Over The Limit in Japan, (Which airs on 31/5) because of John Laurinaitis (Honest), he hasn't wrestled in 12 years, but was a huge star in All Japan.


Earl Hebner has signed a new TNA deal that will see him with the company until the end of 2013. He says that when he retires he will leave his shirt, and boots on TNA ropes.

Douglas Williams Will be moved into a backstage role within TNA.

TNA have created a Throne (Like Macho King in WWE) to carry King Mo Lawal to the ring when he debuts in November.

The reason Anthony Nese quit TNA was that they refused him permission to go to Japan for one match.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Today's News

Lilian Garcia:

WWE appear to be sticking by Lilian Garcia, it has been hinted by insiders that her mic botches are a work.

Dixie gets involved:

TNA boss Dixie Carter has stepped in to the online feud between Hulk Hogan and Scott Steiner, defending the Hulkster.

TNA star to WWE:

According to TNA star Mark Madden, Alex Shelley (who has told the company that he will leave after 8 years when his contract expires) is heading to WWE, as part of the deal that will also see Matt Morgan make the step up.

WWE Porn:

WWE has been described as barely above pornography, by a rival of Linda McMahon during her political campaign.

Radio WWE:

WWE are asking fans if they would be interested in a radio show, which will report backstage news and interviews from within the company.

Sin Cara:

Will officially return to WWE on the June 1st SmackDown, he was at Raw this week, but was not used.


WWE have compiled a list of the 50 greatest WCW wrestlers. You can see the list here, see if you agree. Some on the list are not happy about it.

John Morrison:

Says he will be back with WWE in '' A year or so''.

Brazil tour issues:

WWE's debut in Brazil may be cancelled due to flight issues.

Underrated stars:

WWE have asked their stars who the most underrated stars were...

Jim Ross picked Tony Schiavone.

Dolph Ziggler Picked Billy Gunn.

Daniel Bryan picked Billy Robinson (???).

Alex Riley picked X-Pac.

Ezekiel Jackson picked Tito Santana.

Kofi Kingston picked Billy Kidman.

Matt Striker picked Johnny Rodz.

Howard Finkel picked Bam Bam Bigelow.

And the interviewer picked Dean Malenko.


Staffers feel the company is going downhill.

Cody Rhodes:

WWE have stopped Cody Rhodes taking time off, he will be on SmackDown this week.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Today's News


Lord Tensai will now be known as just Tensai.

Cody Rhodes:

Has been given time away from the ring to heal the nagging injuries he has been working with for months, his return will see him pushed to the top of the card.

TNA star quits:

Alex Shelley says he will not re-sign with TNA when his contract expires later this year, he has been there for 8 years.


The current viral campaign is either for CM Punk, probably a new faction lead by Mr. Straight Edge, or TNA star Matt Morgan, after a fan caught a still from the most recent promo video showing a face, wrestling pundits are torn on who the guy in the picture is, I will post the pic in a sec so you can make your own mind up.

WWE Fail:

John Laurinaitis botched his lines on Raw last night, in the storylines Big Show was fired so he could interfere in the main event of Over The Limit, (Per match stipulation that any one who interfered was to be fired) however last night Johnny Ace said that Big Show had re-signed on Saturday the day BEFORE the PPV, meaning he should have been fired, Michael Cole made the save saying he agreed to re-sign on Saturday but didn't sign the contract until Monday the day after the PPV. I wonder if he gets the same heat as Lilian Garcia is getting.

Ring Announcer heat:

Justin Roberts has denied the confrontation with Lilian Garcia at Over The Limit, despite it been in front of the live crowd and wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer, he made a mocking tweet, saying ''If it is on the net it must be true... Right!!!''.

Lilian responded and also denied the spat, but she also thanked a fan who congratulated her on how she dealt with the goofs.

Personal Note... If you do it in public, it will be reported...

Indy star takes shot at WWE:

An independent wrestler named Jessika Havock has stated she will almost certainly never wrestle for the WWE, because she is too outspoken.

Personal Note... Politics should not win out over talent.

Biggest Hall Of Fame ever:

WWE are planning a huge Hall Of Fame induction next year, possibly the biggest ever beating the 11 inductions in 2004, which re-started the Hall Of Fame ceremony after an 8 year break. I keep hearing names that are being linked with induction, the latest being King Kong Bundy, WWE are featuring him on their YouTube this week and have also released a new action figure of him.


Rosa Mendes has now been released from the hospital after her auto wreck.

Stone Cold Steve Austin:

Has wrapped shooting his new TV show Redneck Island.

Jim Ross:

Has squashed rumours that he is returning to Raw.

Ted DiBiase:

Has set up a website for his charity.

Cat vs Funkasaurus:

The Cat Ernest Miller is ''A little Pi**ed off'' about Brodus Clay copying his gimmick.

Booker T:

Will present a new break Dancing reality show.

Cole vs Lawler:

Michael Cole took a dig at Jerry Lawler saying he was wearing the same shirts as Vickie Guerrero, the joke back fired because Vickie confirmed it was true, they both bought their shirts from the same store in Texas.

Chris Jericho's dates:

He is set to leave WWE this week, return on June 15th and stay until August 14th, He will then go on tour with his band Fozzy from August 15th until September 30th, but will be at SummerSlam on August 19th, he will then return to WWE in late October.

Diva's heat:

WWE were disappointed in the quality of the Diva's Championship match last night, in particular Layla's performance, they feel her knee is not strong enough yet.

Title change nixed:

Daniel Bryan was set to win the WWE title last night, but the plans were changed late into the show in favour of a Punk retention.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Today's News

JoMo to TNA?:

Bruce (Brother Love) Prichard has approached former WWE stars John Morrison and Melina in the view to them joining TNA.


Sean (X-Pac) Waltman has reached out to the employers of his friend and former partner Chyna to save her before it's too late...

“Will someone please do the right thing over at Vivid & not enable Joan Marie Laurer any more? Regardless of her harsh words 4 me, I would be find out she passed away, when it is so preventable. I would be devastated.”

New champ:

Christian returned to action last night and won the IC title. He dedicated the win to the Macho Man Randy Savage.

Heel Turn:

Big Show turned heel last night.


Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins are back on WWE.Com.

Flair quits TNA?:

Ric Flair is thought to be done with TNA, there is huge heat on him for his attitude and behaviour.

Sin Cara:

Is booked to appear on Raw tonight.

WWE Fail:

Lilian Garcia made 3 bothches last night and was seen to be verbally admonished in front of the live crowd by fellow announcer Justin Roberts, she stormed out of the arena after the IC Match. She is facing major heat in the back, it is felt her gaffes are getting too regular.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Today's News

Austin Aries:

Has re-signed for TNA.


Has collapsed for a third time and has been re-hospitalized.

Another car wreck:

A tough weekend for WWE ladies continued with another auto wreck, this time involving Beulah McGillicutty and her 2 daughters, they were fine but their pet dog suffered a seizure.

Macho Man:

WWE are set to release the first posthumous action figure of the Macho Man, as a member of the NWO.

WWE Return:

Sin Cara has returned to action.


Bret Hart's ex wife Julie is set to release an autobiography.

Chris Jericho:

WWE have changed their minds over Chris Jericho again, this week is now expected to be his last.

The Rockers:

Have reunited this weekend (Pic to follow).

Hulk vs Zom's:

Hulk Hogan has starred in a new Zombie Movie. (What'chu gonna do when the walking dead runs wild on you!!!).

Jericho vs Regal:

Chris Jericho and William Regal have had a spat on Twitter...

“Good news! Just signed a deal with Methuselah…I’m gonna wrestle until I’m 946 years old! Hurrah! Congrats fans, you got what u wanted!”

Regal replied:

“Perhaps I should invent some new stuff you can steal from me!”

Jericho responded:

“That would be great since you’ve done nothing new for years”

Finally, Regal ended it with the following:

“While the likes of Chris Jerico and some of his worthless friends make a big production of passing the torch,I just do as I always do without fanfare and truly encourage,train and mentor the younger talent.How dare I call help without getting credit heaped on me.Shame,regal,Shame.”

Linda Hogan:

Has starred in a rap video.

Victoria (TNA's Tara):

Has plugged WWE through her Twitter, telling her fans to check out Lilian Garcia, because she looked stunning.

See No Evil:

Former WWE writer Dan Morrison has revealed how Vince McMahon had an idea for Kane's movie See No Evil...

''Vince wants this scene in the movie where Kane’s character pulls out his penis, and he wants it to be three feet long''. The director had to tell the financier no... Awkward, Don't cross the boss.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Today's News


Was rushed to hospital after being found unresponsive at a porn show last night. Her spokespeople deny she was taken to hospital claiming she was sick with flu and fainted. She was also found unconscious the night before after being thrown out of a party because of her bad behaviour, she went to the pool, stripped naked and jumped in, she had to be dragged from the pool and carried to her hotel room.

WWE loses sponsor:

The National Guard may be forced to withdraw their sponsorship for WWE due to to a government bill.

Chris Jericho:

Is now not expected to finish with WWE until after SummerSlam.

PPV match:

Cody Rhodes vs Santino Marella may be a last minute addition to the Over The Limit PPV this Sunday.

TNA star to MMA:

Kid Kash is training for an MMA match but is still contracted to TNA.

Bobby Heenan:

Will make a rare public appearance at the next NWA fanfest.


WWE wants fans to send their photo's from Raw events to them.

Linda McMahon:

Has won the Republican Nomination for the state of Connecticut in the hopes of being elected to the House of Representatives.

Rosa Mendes in auto wreck:

WWE star Rosa Mendes was involved in a 6 car pile up last night, she was parked at a red light when another car ploughed into the back of her vehicle (Pic to follow). She was taken to hospital for an evaluation.

She has revealed in an interview with WWE.Com that, despite wearing her seatbelt, she was thrown to the floor of the car and has neck and back pain, and has been told to rest and recover.

Negative feedback from within WWE:

Before the 3 hour Raw's have started, WWE insider's are predicting the show will be back to 2 hours before the end of the year.

Bella Twins:

The Bella's have revealed how other stars took the news of their WWE departure...

“Everyone’s in shock and no one actually believed it. Even until our last day, everyone was like, ‘OK, you’re re-signing.’ Especially because I was divas champion,” Nikki said. “So, people were literally in shock when it happened and people thought we were joking. ‘No, you’re not. You guys are staying.’'