Saturday, April 28, 2012

Today's News

Hogan / Beefcake lovers:

Linda Hogan has admitted she fabricated the homosexual claims against her ex husband Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake.

Hall Of Fame:

Vince has poured cold water on the plans for a Physical Hall Of Fame, saying it won't return a profit.

Mania 29 hint:

CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan @WrestleMania 29?... 

Daniel Bryan has hinted he would like it to happen. He also claimed that he almost refused to return to WWE at SummerSlam 2010, and was talking to TNA and companies in Japan.


Has said in an interview that he has unfinished business with Brock Lesnar, but if he only had one more match he wanted to face Stone Cold Steve Austin.


WWE have edited Zack Ryder's show for the second consecutive week.


A young boy named Dylan Christian, who along with his family were guests of John Cena at this years WrestleMania, has died of Cancer aged just 12.

Buff Bagwell:

Has been taken off his Breathing apparatus, and is able to breath and eat on his own. WCW co-stars Sting, Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner, and DDP have been seen visiting him in his hospital bed.

The Rock vs Kurt Angle:

He has shot a fight scene vs Kurt Angle today for his upcoming movie project.


Claudio (Antonio Cesaro) Castagnoli made his TV debut on this weeks SmackDown, Damien (Idol Stevens) Sandow will do the same next week.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Today's News


Dixie Carter is so impressed with their Indian expansion that she wants to start other TNA splinter leagues in other parts of the world.

Paul Bearer:

Has a 4 year legends contract with WWE, but says fans should not expect any appearances during that time, as he does not want to work full time any more. The appearance on Raw this week was arranged completely by chance, he was in the same area over the previous weekend for a convention, so WWE called and asked him to stay on an extra day, which he did.

Hogan sex tape:

Hulk Hogan is threatening to sue anyone who shows the screen caps from his ((Shudder!!!)) sex tape. So to protect myself from the Hulkster RUNNING WILD on me, and if you want to see them for yourself (WHY!!!) hit the link before they are gone.

Diva's title:

WWE have confirmed the Diva's title will be defended at Extreme Rules this Sunday, Nikki vs Beth is advertised, but expect Beth not to be able to compete and an alternate to take her place. This almost certainly means The Bella's are gone from WWE.

Nash vs HOF:

Kevin Nash went on a Twiter rant against the WWE Hall Of Fame, saying if he died before they asked him to join he wanted his wife to say no, that he didn't need it to validate his life, and that he didn't agree with Pete Rose being in. He also said a friend of his had been told he was to be released last night, and he was mad about that, no word on who yet.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Today's News

Update on Buff Bagwell:

A possible cause for his auto wreck has emerged, he called his wife on his mobile moments before the smash saying he was having a seizure. He has also opened his eyes for the first time since the accident.


Randy Orton celebrated a decade as a WWE superstar yesterday.

Heath vs rapper:

The Heath Slater vs Flo Rida internet rivalry got physical backstage at a recent show, Heath burst into the rapper's dressing room, pushed him to the ground and cut a promo on his A-Double-Crooked-Letter.

Chris Jericho:

WWE and Chris Jericho appear to finally have given up the pretence that he is staying, Jericho has announced a summer tour with his band Fozzy, both parties say he is returning after.

Bella Twins:

WWE are remaining tight lipped on the status of the Bella Twins. Kharma will return either at Extreme Rules or the Raw the following night, if the match happens at one of those shows, than they are gone, if not they will stay.

WWE Network:

WWE are currently hiring Cruiserweights, they are searching the Indy's, Mexico, Japan and Europe for stars under 200lbs.


Lord Tensai has been told to change his finisher for safety reasons, it was felt that the claw on his knee left his opponent no choice but to land on the back of his neck, the move will now be a standing one, to allow them to fall onto their back.

Tag titles:

The WWE Tag Team Championship will be defended outside of the WWE this weekend in Puerto Rico, for Carlos Colon's WWC promotion.

Creative leak:

A leak from WWE creative suggests a Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton main event for SummerSlam this year.

Big Breaking News:

Rey Mysterio has been banned for 60 days for his second drugs test fail.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Today's News

David Otunga:

Did not appear on Raw this week, and may miss more, because he is supporting his future wife (Singer Jennifer Hudson) through her court trial against the man who murdered 3 members of her family, he will be at the PPV on Sunday though.

Reks and Hawkins:

Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins were promised by John Laurinaitis that if they could get #SaveReksandHawkins to trend worldwide during Raw they would not be fired from WWE, they only managed to get the trend going in the UK unfortunately for them.


WWE has become one of the highest earning partners on YouTube.

WWE Release:

More news has broken on the release of Tough Enough winner Andy Leavine from his WWE contract. The decision was made weeks ago and was not a snap sacking as first reported. FCW officials feel he is not progressing and his ring work is poor.

Diva's title:

There are mixed opinions on the reason for the Diva's title change last night, It is thought that WWE did not want to start Kharma's expected imminent return with a rivalry vs Beth Phoenix, but draw out the feud leading to a big PPV match down the road. However others claim that the title was put on Nikki to try to convince the Bella's to sign a new contract, it is not known if it worked, but if it didn't expect Nikki to drop the title to Kharma in a squash match, on next weeks Raw.

Beth Phoenix is not really injured, she is selling an injury to explain the title change.


Ex WWE diva and GF of Cody Rhodes, Eden Stiles was backstage at Raw this week.

WWE invited Edge to Raw to try to convince him to sign a new contract, but they have offered him much less than the $300,000 per year that Shawn Michaels and Mick Foley earn. The appearance was written into the script just hours before the show went live.

Sable is travelling the road with Brock Lesnar, and was backstage at Raw this week.

WCW star in auto wreck:

Buff Bagwell was in a serious car wreck on Monday night, he flipped his car 8 or 9 times and is currently in an intensive care unit, with a broken neck and a wired shut jaw. Friends and colleagues are asking for prayers.

Wrestler movie:

Jake The Snake Roberts has starred in a new horror Movie called ''Little Creeps''.

Chris Jericho:

Is set to announce a Fozzy US tour.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Today's News

Justin Gabriel:

Things have gone from bad to worse for Justin Gabriel, after being injured at WrestleMania ruining a planned push, he has now had to leave the USA and return to his home country of South Africa, due to problems with his passport, he will not be allowed to return until the middle of May.

WWE resignation:

WWE's long term French commentator Christophe Agius, quit the company after a decade of employment. He translated the WWE event's into French for the AB network, he walked after the live event in Toulouse where he had been arranging and translating interviews for the talent, no word on what happened, or why he made the decision to leave.

WWE cuts:

The first of the WWE cuts was announced before Raw last night, Andy Leavine who won Tough Enough, was sacked after failing a wellness test before the show. Not sure what has happened here, he was sent to FCW to train ready for his debut, and ready made boy done good storyline. I don't know if his release is part of the planned cuts, but if it was, it would have been announced at the same time as the rest, or from what I have heard he failed the drugs test and was sacked on the spot, but if that is the case, why was he even at Raw?, he is not ready to be called up to the main roster yet (Maybe he was working the dark match). I'm sure more news will come out on this, I will let you know when I know.

Hogan sex tape:

The woman in the Hulk Hogan sex tape may have been identified. She is allegedly Heather Clem, the ex wife of his close friend Bubba The Love Sponge... Awkward... Bubba apparently offered his wife's ''Services'' to his friends, Hogan claims he did the same with his ex Wife Linda... ((Bleurgh!!!))

Record fail:

Who knows what WWE were thinking about on Raw last night, Beth Phoenix was days away from becoming the longest reigning Diva's Champion ever, and they booked her to drop the belt, not only did they cost her the record, they put the belt on a woman who is leaving the company in a week, Nikki Bella??? Nuts...

WWE have put a statement on their website, that Beth suffered an ankle injury and may need surgery.


May have made his last WWE appearance last night on Raw. He still has not signed a new contract.

Paul Bearer also made an appearance.

Happy Birthday Cena:

John Cena was given a 35th birthday party in the ring after Raw went off the air, including Great Khali singing happy birthday, and the Diva's doing a pile on.


Wade Barrett has handed his Twitter account to his lawyer. (Storyline IMO).

Monday, April 23, 2012

Today's News

I don't know how many of you guys are English, but for those that are...

Happy St George's day!!!


Hulk Hogan Says there are major changes coming to TNA. The talent in the back have not taken kindly to his comments.

Paul Heyman:

Denies being involved in Brock Lesnar's WWE promo's.

WWE record:

Beth Phoenix will become the longest reigning WWE Diva's Champion if she keeps the title past May 1st. The 213 day record is currently held by Maryse.


Jerry Lawler will do the animations for Mick Foley's christmas children's book, which features many of the WWE stars as characters.

WWE cuts:

Derrick Bateman's profile has been re-added to via the NXT tab, Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks have been removed however.

British Bulldog:

Georgia Smith has written an article about her late Father The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith, to be published later this week.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Today's News

Natalya Neidhart:

Pic to follow of Natalya Neidhart's injury's suffered at the London SmackDown tapings when her opponent AJ took liberties and landed her with a few hard shots busting her open.

Zack Ryder:

Is angry and frustrated with WWE after they edited 2/3 of the footage out of his latest YouTube show. He also asked fans to stop chanting Hoeski at Eve Torres.

Edge vs WWE:

Tensions have arose between WWE and Edge, his contract ends April 30th (early than first thought), and it has been claimed that WWE expected him to sign whatever contract that was put in front of him. Edge was not as open to that as they would have liked, he wanted more money and refused the stipulation that he had to get permission from the office before taking movie and TV roles, he wants the freedom to make those decisions for himself.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Today's News


The 14 year WWE career of Edge will officially end on May 1st, when his current deal expires, it is expected that he will be offered a contract similar to that of Shawn Michaels, where he will return to further storylines or for occasional appearances, but will be a free agent and will be able to accept his own Movie / TV deals etc.

Actor dig at WWE:

One of the new 3 Stooges, who appeared on Raw a couple of weeks ago, has ridiculed the company saying he was ashamed of the appearance and would never attend WWE as a fan. (Happy to accept a cheque though... Whore!!!).

Foley vs Rookie:

The Mick Foley vs Dean Ambrose feud has been confirmed and will be used to push Ambrose straight to the top of the roster.

Maybe scratch that last post, Mick Foley has just blogged on this and he his upset that Ambrose has been using his kids to build the feud, Foley asked him not to, but Ambrose stepped up the intensity of his comments against them. Read the entry for yourself...

''Look, Ive been accused from time to time of taking some things in the business a little too seriously. Maybe I do. But like that sailor-man of old, "I am what I am, and that's all that I am." After all these years, there are some things that just bother me.

Remember that "Cane Dewey" promo from 1995 that so many are still fond of? It actually came from a very heavy place in my heart, when my wife impressed on me just how sick it was for any fan to be making a sign advocating the beating (even in jest) of my 3-year-old child.

That's the immediate feeling I got when I actually read the Dean Ambrose tweet that mentioned his dream to seeing me no longer able to make a dime in the wrestling business—with a particularly nasty mention of how he wanted to see my home repossessed and my children starved.

Maybe the 1995 Cactus Jack would have cut a promo on the guy. The 2102 Mick Foley just wonders what would make someone say something so stupid, heartless and ignorant.

I felt Dean Ambrose had crossed a line that shouldn't be crossed, so took the opportunity before the Hampton, Virginia SmackDown to ask/tell him to please stop crossing a line that I wasn't comfortable with.

Ric Flair had once asked a similar consideration of me before a memorable promo we shared in New Jersey in 2006. Of course I honored his request. Ours is a business built on trust and respect. I thought Dean Ambrose understood this.

But less than a day after making my request, I saw that my children were once again the subject of his tweets—a reference to how I might feel differently about something if my children were in wheelchairs. Maybe I would have cut a heck of a promo about it in 1995. Seventeen years later, I just wanted to get the fuck away from the whole scenario. It's not fun, it's not cutting edge. It just sucks''.

Foley ain't happy.

WWE cuts:

Add Curt Hawkins to Tyler Reks as names expected to be on the cuts list set to be announced by the WWE. He has started to accept and promote Indy appearances. Like Reks this had to be expected after their YouTube cartoon failed with the office. Curt though has spent the past year helping The Rock get ready for WrestleMania 28, way to thank the guy WWE!!!.


Has commented on his future, saying although he is a veteran and misses not having his Brother Edge around, he feels he still has plenty of goals yet to achieve.

Lesnar heat:

Some of the WWE roster including Booker T, Goldust and William Regal took offence to Brock Lesnar's comments that John Cena would be carrying his bags if he hadn't left WWE.

Rowdy Roddy Piper:

Says he will have one more match for WWE and is working on an angle that will see him team with his son Colt, who competes in MMA.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Today's News


Natalya Neidhart was legit, bust open during the SmackDown tapings in London, her opponent AJ went batsh*t crazy and started to beat her down in the corner, one of the shots, clearly scored for real, because paramedics were called for, and the ring needed to be cleaned before they could continue with the taping.

Chris Jericho was also bust open on the tour in Italy, vs CM Punk.

Hall OF Fame:

Paul Heyman has allegedly (by Joey Styles) been asked if he wants to be inducted into 2013's Hall Of Fame.

Terry Taylor:

Has started work at WWE's offices, where he will develop storylines for FCW stars that are being promoted to the main roster.

Kurt Angle:

An angry Devon Nicholson has called out Kurt Angle, feeling he is making a mockery of amateur wrestling, by claiming he could and should have been on the Olympic team.

TV Debut:

Antonio Cesaro (Formerly Claudio Castagnoli) will make his TV debut for WWE on SmackDown this week.

Bobby Lashley:

May be about to sign for Bellator MMA.

WWE Network:

WWE are now targeting a final quarter debut date for their Network TV channel (So October - December).

Lex Luger:

Has started work on a ''Tell all'' autobiography, we may finally find out what really happened to Miss Elizabeth.


Rima Fakih has signed with WWE, she will work for the Network.

Greatest Finisher:

WWE have voted the Sharpshooter the greatest finisher in it's history.

Tyler Reks:

Has hinted via his Twitter that he is going to be one of the cuts from the WWE roster, which will be announced soon. He said...

''Just finishing off my contractual obligations, then I might shave my head''.

A fan asked if he was leaving, and he replied with...

''Unless John Laurinaitis miraculously changes his mind''.

It shouldn't be a surprise, he has been in the doghouse since his YouTube cartoon, was censored by the office.


Has delayed his return to WWE, to help Tajiri set up his new promotion and fulfil some indy dates.

Darren Young:

WWE star Darren Young challenged the Father of actress Lindsay Lohan, Michael to a match at SummerSlam and he accepted, apparently Young doesn't like him (I have never heard of him, or his supposedly more famous daughter, so I don't know why).

Indy star signs off:

Brodie Lee will work his last Indy match this weekend before joining FCW.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Today's News

The Rock:

Will produce and host a new reality show, called The Hero, looking for the next big action movie star.

Marty Jannetty:

Has called into question WWE's policy of rehab for former superstars in comparison with their attitude towards superstars who need help with legitimate health issues...

“Why does the WWE spend money on those who did stuff recreationally,” I’ll use Scott Hall as an example. He is a friend, but it is out there, it was on ESPN, so it is no secret. From what I understand, he has been in and out of rehab ten times. That was from the partying and choices made that had nothing to do with what was work related.”

“Using myself as an example, I have asked them (WWE) if there is anything that can be done about my ankles. I have to take a lot of pain medication for it; way more than what is an average dose. Really, no more than anyone else who is in full contact sports. We all (wrestlers) have a very high threshold of pain to begin with and we are in good condition. We can handle more than most. Where one person can take a Vicodin and have the pain go away, a highly trained professional athlete has to take four or five times that dosage, and that is where you are getting into a danger zone. If I’m trying to take care of everybody pain, and walking is something we take for granted and I need pain medication just for that and it is work related than the answer should be yes.”

William Regal:

Has withdrawn himself from the UK tour, due to a family issue.

Cena vs US Army:

The Marines have challenged John Cena to a push up contest, first to score 2012 reps wins. The marine who issued the challenge wants to do 1,000,000 total push ups in support of Wounded Warrior's, a charity for injured servicemen.

New promotion:

Booker T has started promoting his new promotion Reality Of Wrestling, which you can watch on YouTube.

Bella Twins:

The Bella's have finally been used on the European tour, in a tag match in Rome.


WWE are toying with the idea of moving SmackDown to Tuesday's and film it live, in the hopes of stopping spoilers from getting out from the taped shows. The show is currently recorded on Tuesday and broadcast on a Friday.

Fans in attendance for the SmackDown tapings in London reported being censored throughout the show, Yes! chants were silenced by ring staff, signs were removed etc. leaving many disappointed with their experience.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Today's News

Match stipulation:

WWE.Com has announced that Brock Lesanr vs John Cena will be a no DQ / No countout match.


Has retracted his statement that he would never wrestle for WWE again.

Stone Cold Steve Austin:

Has said he has a couple of matches left in him and is physically good to go, but the match has to be something that will be a win for all involved.

Wrestle Reunion:

Has announced they are to cease future events, due to lack of interest in recent shows.

Brock Lesnar:

Has released a picture of his ring gear for Extreme Rules. (To Follow), interestingly for the first time in WWE history, he has been allowed to advertise his own personal sponsors on his tights.

Daniel Bryan:

Has renamed his finishing move the Yes! lock.

Evan Bourne:

Says his walking on crutches skills are now at a respectable 8/10.

Bella Twins:

WWE have started to punish The Bella Twins for leaving, they flew them all the way to London for the UK tour and never used them at any event.

CM Punk:

Has CM Punk fallen off the (Kayfabe) wagon???, the owner of the pub he went to on Raw last night, claiming he ate fish and chips has said that they were not serving food and he did not eat there.

Alberto Del Rio:

Konnan claims that Alberto Del Rio almost quit WWE, whilst wrestling for feeder league FCW.

New signing:

WWE have reportedly offered British wrestler Rachel St. Clair a developmental contract.

Fan invasion:

Although it wasn't aired, there was a fan invasion on Raw from London, two guys jumped onto the turnbuckles and took a couple of bumps before being ushered away by security.

WWE fail:

Lilian Garcia tripped and fell on the way to the ring for the SmackDown tapings which are going on right now.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Today's News

Eric Bischoff:

Has launched an attack on Bret Hart over the weekend, calling him ''Bitter and Sad''.

TNA release:

Traci has been sacked by TNA.

Kurt Angle:

Says he is taking time off from wrestling.


Former TNA star Leticia Cline has postponed her wedding.

Wildcat Chris Harris was in the crowd at last nights TNA PPV.

Heath vs Flo Rida:

WWE have started to showcase the Twitter and video back and forth between Heath Slater and Flo Rida, this match is coming soon.

Scotty Riggs:

Is having stomach surgery.

Troops visit:

WWE stars Eve Torres and Kofi Kingston are visiting injured troops before Raw tonight.


Has said he will never wrestle for WWE again, last person to say that was Chris Jericho and we all know what happened next.

Damien Sandow:

Has flown to London to make his on screen, in ring debut on this weeks SmackDown.

WWE plagiarise TNA:

They are currently using a TNA storyline to promote a star from FCW, Mick Foley has announced. He referred to a TNA storyline from 2010 where in a promo against Ric Flair, he was accused of damaging and ruining children's lives and future wrestling careers because they were copying his hardcore ring style, WWE are using this angle, making Dean Ambrose one of those young wrestling hopefuls that copied Foley and has suffered terrible injuries as a result, and he is now not happy about it, leading to the confrontation during the WrestleMania weekend, and the upcoming rivalry between the two (Video)...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Today's News

Scott Hall:

Dana, the ex wife of Scott Hall has stated that he former husband has ''Gone past the point of return'' in his self destruction, and she hinted that his death may gave his children some peace, and save her and her family the embarrassment he has caused with his drink and drugs abuse. He had been training his son Cody to get into the wrestling biz, before his latest slip.

Kurt Angle:

Despite being injured and out of the Olympics, Kurt Angle will have a part to play at TNA's Lockdown PPV tonight.

Bella Twins:

Unusually for the WWE, it has emerged that The Bella's do not have the standard 90 days no compete clause in their contracts, which means they could jump straight to another promotion when they leave the company at the end of this month if they wanted, it is thought however that they want to do other things away from the wrestling world.

New signing:

Rima Fakih has apparently signed for the WWE. No conformation from either side yet.

Lilian Garcia:

May be about to have her first match in her more than 10 year association with the WWE, WWE have been running a storyline at house shows where she comes to blows with Natlaya Neidhart, it may come to TV this week on SmackDown.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Today's News

WrestleMania 29:

Do you want to go to WrestleMania 29???. Then if you are in the USA or Canada, WWE are offering you the chance, 100 Fans will be guests of the company at the biggest event in Wrestling in New York next April. (Hit the link to enter).

Bret Hart:

May become the first wrestler added to the Canadian Walk Of Fame, an online vote is currently underway and he is leading the nomination.

Kurt Angle:

Dixie Carter has said she is heartbroken that Kurt Angle will not be able to represent his country in the Olympics this summer.

Matt Morgan:

Has opened the door for a possible return to the WWE as early as this October, he signed a five year deal with TNA, with an option after 4, that option becomes effective on the first of the month of October, and in a recent interview he said that while he is happy at TNA, and considers himself loyal, he is also a businessman and he wants to be the best he can be, and he would consider an approach from his former employer.

Kevin Nash:

Says he is ready and eager to get back in the ring for WWE, but has also said he would return to TNA, when his deal with the company is done.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Today's News

European tour:

The current WWE trip, has had a positive moment for the current Diva's Champion Beth Phoenix, whilst in Poland she reunited with her estranged Father.

Heath Slater:

Get ready for a Heath Slater vs Flo Rida match, since they had a backstage skit at WrestleMania 28 there has been a lot of back and forth on Twitter, now the rapper has posted a video of himself training for the ring. No word on when the match will happen however.


Has cancelled a 3rd autograph signing, in the the past few days, friends are concerned that she has fallen back into into a drugs spiral.

WWE 13:

Yokozuna has been pulled as a character from WWE 13, no word on why.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Today's News


Was left furious after not being allowed to appear with his sons The Uso's on the blast from the past SmackDown.

He also has released his full induction speech for Yokozuna, from the Hall Of Fame (Video)...

Bully Ray:

The Former Bubba Ray Dudley will get a run as TNA champion in the next few months.

Scotty Riggs:

Former ECW star Scotty Riggs is currently in hospital suffering from stomach ulcers.

Bobby Lashley:

May be going into boxing.

Austin vs Rookie:

Former Tough Enough contestant AJ Kirsch, who has been very outspoken on WWE and the mentors of the show, has apparently been threatened by the star of the show Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Kurt Angle:

Is out of the Olympics, he has finally confirmed.

Ortiz to WWE:

UFC star Tito Ortiz has hinted at following Brock Lesnar to the WWE when he retires from MMA.

Women's Division:

Lita says ''It is a bummer'' what has happened to the Women's division within WWE, a division she will be re-joining if the rumours are true.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Today's News

Scott Hall:

Has had his latest mugshot leaked online (To follow), he was arrested for domestic violence after he choked out his girlfriend in a drunken rage. She refused to press charges.


Christian is not expected back until June.

Dean Ambrose:

Has been visiting WWE doctor's in preparation for his call up to the main WWE roster.


Has accepted WWE's offer of rehab, Good Luck to him.

Mick Foley:

Says he has one big bump left in him, he knows what he wants to do, how he wants to do it, and who he wants it be against.

John Morrison:

Has filmed a wrestling match vs actress Jessica Alba, who posted the match to her YouTube.

Rima Fakih:

Who competed on Tough Enough has her WWE future hanging in the balance. WWE are delaying the decision to offer her a contract depending on her DUI court case which is currently underway.

Two pieces of great news, for fans of legends: (SPOILER ALERT!!!)

1) Mean Gene Okerlund remains undefeated in his wrestling career, after teaming with Sheamus to beat Daniel Bryan and Alberto Del Rio on SmackDown.

2) The Undertaker has said he can and likely will work several more WrestleMania's in the future.

Also on The Undertaker, he wanted JR and Mick Foley to commentate on the Hell In A Cell match at WrestleMania, but only got half of his wish.

Hennig Jr push:

Michael McGillicutty (Joe Hennig) may get a push as a running buddy of Brock Lesnar, due to the closeness of Brock's friendship with his late Father Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Today's News

Scott Steiner:

Has called Hulk Hogan's Daughter Brooke, a hooker via his Twitter.

Lesnar's 1st match:

Brock Lesnar's first match back will be against John Cena at Extreme Rules.

2 stars quit WWE:

The Bella Twins will quit WWE at the end of this month. They have refused to sign a new contract, and have already started to take indy bookings.

Russian tour:

WWE will host their first ever show in Russia this week, Triple H will headline the live event, but his match will not be shown on TV.

WWE fail:

WWE's decision not to mention UFC on Raw, obviously was not relayed to Brock Lesnar or Michael Cole, they both said it during the broadcast.

WWE releases:

The upcoming releases from WWE, have been decided, but the names will not be announced until the talents have been informed.

Foley vs Rookie:

FCW star Dean Ambrose has continued to attack Mick Foley, using his Twitter, this is a definite storyline, expect Ambrose to debut on TV soon to start the feud properly.


Has debuted a new look in the pre show Raw dark match, and he doesn't like it. A fan wrote to him on Twitter and said his look was hot and didn't need changing... JTG replied with...

“Well someone in the office doesn’t think so lol”.

Scott Hall:

Is back in Jail, he was arrested on April 6th in Florida.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Today's News

Returning Champion?:

It has not been announced yet, but Lita apparently re-signed an active contract with WWE over the WrestleMania weekend.

Storm vs Hall Of Famer:

Stone Cold Steve Austin's barn was destroyed in a storm over the weekend.

Documentary criticised:

The 2nd Bloodstained Memoir documentary has already received criticism, the trailer shows The Dynamite Kid, but he is not in it.

Jr Hogan's in movie:

Hulk Hogan's kids Nick and Brooke have starred together in a B-Horror movie called Sand Sharks.

Mania cut:

The broadcast of WrestleMania was heavily edited in India.

Rey Mysterio:

Says he will be back in May.

Brock Lesnar:

A veteran wrestler (who refused to be credited) told a website that he/she gives Brock Lesnar 4 months before he quits WWE, because he can't handle the travel schedule.

WWE Roster cuts?:

WWE are planning a post WrestleMania roster shuffle, developmental stars have already started to be promoted to the main roster, and a talent clear out is planned to begin in the next couple of days / weeks.

Yoshi Tatsu:

Is the first name rumoured to be among the roster cuts.


WWE video game maker THQ, may only have 6 months left, according to a business analyst in the US.

Randy Orton:

Has responded to the criticism he received regarding The Marine 3...

“I respect our military. That’s why I’ve gone to Iraq or Afghan 3 times and met thousands of soldiers. Funny that’s not mentioned.”


WWE have recognised Brock Lesnar's MMA career but will not mention UFC on TV.

Eve Torres:

May be looking for a way out of WWE, she is in Washington for meetings and said on her Twitter that she was looking to make ''New career moves''.

Ryback (Skip Sheffield):

Will be getting pushed to the top on SmackDown in the next couple of weeks.

Hall Of Fame:

Sable is set to be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame next year, with her husband Brock Lesnar inducting her.

WWE want to induct a woman every year, but the lady they planned to induct this year (Miss Elizabeth) was unable to take her spot because The Genius (Lanny Poffo) said he would only accept Macho Man's induction if they also inducted his Father and himself, WWE did not accept this, so Savage and Liz's induction was scrapped.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Today's News

Brock Lesnar:

Will appear on Raw next week and again on April 23rd. He will work 30 - 40 dates between now and WrestleMania 29.

Scott Steiner:

Continues to attack TNA, he claims the office control the Twitter accounts of it's stars.

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair's TNA days are numbered. He openly stated he wants to come back to WWE during his Hall Of Fame speech, and in a radio interview he was asked about his last match, and he said it was the WrestleMania retirement match against Shawn Michaels, not acknowledging his TNA career. His contract ends at the end of this year, and a WWE deal will be waiting to be signed when he is free.

Creative plans:

WWE are playing with the idea of a Sheamus vs Brock Lesnar feud somewhere down the line.

Marine 3:

WWE need to make a decision on who will replace Randy Orton in the lead role of the Marine 3, because filming begins in June.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Today's News

Brock Lesnar:

It has emerged that Brock Lesnar signed his 1 year WWE contract before the news of the talks broke on the internet. Also the reason he did not debut at WrestleMania has been confirmed by a WWE insider, The WWE did not want to diminish the impact of The Rock vs John Cena match, and wanted Brock's return to mark the start of a new era.


Have signed a new TV deal with Spike.


Hacksaw Jim Duggan's Biography is now available to buy.

Wade Barrett:

Is being rushed back from injury, WWE want him ready to go by August's SummerSlam.

Creative team snubbed:

WWE's Writing staff are not happy with their employers, after they were not allowed to attend the WrestleMania 28 after party.

Mike Tyson:

Has stated publicly that he wants to wrestle for the WWE.


Kaitlyn bled on NXT in a match vs Natlya Neidhart. She said she suffered an accident earlier in the day, and the cut opened up during the show. It is not yet known if she will have any disciplinary action taken against her.