Saturday, March 31, 2012

Today's News

WrestleMania Countdown:

1 More day until WrestleMania...

Read my thoughts and predictions...

Hall OF Fame:

Congratulations to Edge, Mil Mascaras, Ron (Faarooq) Simmons, Yokozuna, The Four Horsemen (Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, JJ Dillon, Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard), and Mike Tyson(???), who will all be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame tonight, but will there be 1 more surprise inductee?. WWE said they would be one more when they announced Yokozuna's induction, but the name has not been confirmed, a host of former WWE stars have been invited to the ceremony, including former Women's Champions Lita, Trish Stratus, and Alundra Blayze (I heard the last name would be a woman), but don't rule out The Rock been the man, he is from Florida, his dad will be there, and he said he would induct his son in an interview a few months back.

Barry Windham is expected to be in attendance at his Hall Of Fame induction tonight despite his health problems.

WWE Movie:

WWE have confirmed Hornswoggle will star in their remake of Leprechaun (Who else would it have been???)


A-Train pulled out of what would have been his farewell show for NJPW in Japan last night, (I said he would be at WrestleMania, in my predictions yesterday...).


Has discussed why he has not gone to a major Wrestling promotion since leaving WWE. He says he would only go back to WWE if he was going to be used, not to be ''On the bench''. He said TNA just never inspired him, and that ROH are too physical for him, and that James E. Cornette doesn't like him anyway.

Kurt Angle:

Suffered another injury in his training for the Olympics, and this one (A torn hamstring) has finally ended this farce, he will be out for 4-6 weeks, the Olympic trials are in 3. He also commented on his mother been robbed (See yesterday)...

“I’m gonna find the son of a b—h who did this to my mom, I don’t want this happening to anyone else!”.


There will only be 2 matches on Smackdown tonight, Chris Jericho vs Kofi Kingston and Zack Ryder vs Drew McIntyre, the rest of the footage will be from WrestleMania Fan Axxess.

WWE lockdown:

WWE's hotel in Miami has been put on lockdown, to avoid spoilers getting out before WrestleMania.

Terry Funk:

Has been pulled from appearing at WrestleMania by his doctor's, (He recently had knee replacement surgery).

WWE YouTube:

WWE have announced as many as 30 new shows for their YouTube channel.

HOF no Shows:

The Miz and The Big Show will miss the Hall Of Fame ceremony tonight to have a slime wrestling match on kids TV channel Nickleodeon (Unless WWE can get them to pre record the show, but it is very last minute).

WrestleMania Pre Show:

The pre WrestleMania dark match has been revised, it will now be a triple threat match for the Tag Team Championship...

Primo & Epico (C) vs The Uso's vs Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd.

(Potential) SPOILER ALERTS!!! (Next 2 stories):

Firstly Batista was seen being picked up from Miami Airport by a well known WWE employee. There is no confirmation from either party that he will be at WrestleMania, and his people say he is in the city to do ''A charity event and to talk business''. Interesting though...

Also Brock Lesnar is in negotiations to appear at WrestleMania 28 this Sunday, WWE are waiting on confirmation from UFC boss Dana White that he can appear contractually. White told an online source that Lesnar is no longer contracted to UFC, and can legally go where he wants, he says he doesn't know if he will be there or not.

The Ultimate Warrior:

Triple H (Seriously) wants to bring the Ultimate Warrior back to WWE.

McCool Pregnant?:

Vickie Guerrero has hinted that former Diva's Champion Michelle McCool is pregnant. McCool who is the wife of The Undertaker has not confirmed this, but has said that she will be at WrestleMania, and that she would like to return to the ring one day.

More breaking WrestleMania news:

WWE have lifted their self imposed embargo on bleeding, for the show.

Mike Tyson is not happy with who is inducting him into the Hall Of Fame tonight, he would have rather had Bruno Sammatino, Superstar Billy Graham, Bob Backlund or Hulk Hogan.

AJ has just won the pre WrestleMania video game tournament beating Mark Henry in the final.


Also unrelated to WrestleMania, Mexican promotion AAA has announced they will launch an international broadcast of their show.

Busy Day with Mania just 24 hours away, More breaking news:

David Otunga has arranged for a young boy who survived the Haiti earthquake, to have a meet and greet with WWE superstars at WrestleMania tomorrow. He was moved by the boy's tragic story. After surviving the Quake, he and his mother moved to the USA, He recently won a competition run by schools supporting WWE's Be-A-Star campaign to go to WrestleMania, but a few weeks ago his mother died, so he offered to give the ticket to someone else, Otunga heard about the story and decided going to the event wasn't enough for him, and worked on this treat for him.

Hillbilly Jim and Haku, have been spotted in WWE's hotel in Miami, and Batista has been hanging with WWE people in the city, he was photographed with Titus O'Neal today.

The Ultimate Warrior responds:

Has responded to Triple H saying he would like him to return to WWE...

“Since 2011, WWE’s tone about UW’s mark in the biz has changed. Something’s going on but your guess is as good as mine.”

Alberto Del Rio:

ADR's younger Brother is training to become a wrestler in Florida.

Mania 29:

WWE have confirmed they will make an announcement on WrestleMania 29's main event on April 2nd's Raw.

Future Diva:

The Rock's daughter may want be a Diva of the future, according to a conversation she had with Natalya Neidhart.

Brock Lesnar:

His appearance on Sunday is close to being confirmed, they are working on the amount of dates he will work when he returns, (This is probably going to be the Mania 29 announcement, Taker vs Lesnar).


Unrelated to WWE, Don't believe TNA's claims that Sting has re-signed with them, it is a storyline, he will be a free agent before 2012 is out.

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