Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Today's News

WrestleMania Countdown:

5 days until WrestleMania...

John Cena:

Has hinted at a John Cena vs Stone Cold Steve Austin match at WrestleMania 29. CM Punk also wrote a challenge to Stone Cold on Twitter (More Likely).

WWE Staff Meeting:

WWE stars were sent to a meeting on proper use of Twitter Hash Tags, CM Punk declared his joy at this on Twitter with #ShootMe!!!.

Leo Kruger:

Has been called up to the main WWE roster, expect a debut post WrestleMania.

Maria Menounos:

(Fingers crossed) May be out of WrestleMania, she broke 2 ribs during her training for Dancing With The Stars.


Christian was injured during his match with CM Punk on Raw (Neck) and is out of WrestleMania, he will be replaced on Team Johnny by Drew McIntyre.

The final 2 spots were also confirmed for this match, The Miz on team Johnny, Booker T on team Teddy.

Kelly Kelly:

Will miss the Hall Of Fame ceremony.

Raw guests:

Superfly Jimmy Snuka, Lita and Diamond Dallas Page were backstage at Raw last night.


WWE have recorded SmackDown for this week already, due to the hectic schedule this week.

Hall Of Fame:

The leaked list of Hall Of Fame inductors has been confirmed by WWE, with one exception Rikishi will not be on stage for the induction of Yokozuna, he will be at the event though. WWE may have dropped the last induction (Unless it is a surprise for The Rock) because they also released the order of induction.

1. Mil Mascaras

2. Yokozuna

3. Ron Simmons

4. The Four Horsemen

5. Mike Tyson

6. Edge

Ambrose vs Rock:

FCW star Dean Ambrose may have his call up to the main roster delayed after an critical tweet about The Rock...

“#WWE Fun Facts @NatbyNature uses a perfectly applied sharpshooter, @TheRock uses a kind of ugly ankle twisty thing he calls a sharpshooter”.

Eric Bischoff:

Has declared himself a member of team Cena.

Bundy vs Miz:

King Kong Bundy has responded angriliy to The Miz's claim on Raw that he (Bundy) was a WrestleMania failure.

Brodus Clay:

May be added to WrestleMania to get a squash match victory over someone, depending on time.


Are hosting the WrestleMania press conference live on YouTube on March 28th 2012 @2.30 EST.

The hype is beginning, the stars are all on their way to the show... It's getting closer... who are you rooting for??? Rock or Cena.

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