Thursday, March 22, 2012

Today's News

WrestleMania Countdown:

Counting down to WrestleMania, Just 10 Days left... 

PPV Returns:

No Way Out will return to the WWE Schedule on June 17th 2012, and will be headlined by a cage match.

Kurt Angle:

Went on a Twitter ramble last night, attacking WWE and it's talents, (No surprise) this time he also went for Stone Cold Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, JR, and Chris Jericho. He apologised this morning and deleted some of the more offensive Tweets.

To Austin and Shawn...

''I Respect You Both! But Could Either of U take Me as a Shoot? Be Honest''

“I Became a top star in 1 year, but it took Shawn and Austin 15years. Hello?''

To JR and Jericho...

''How do You feel about that. I’m the Best today! If Wwe never wants Me, their Mistake. What then?”

A fan then said why don't you and Sting go to WWE, He wrote...

“I wish. Sting will stay in tna”

Sounds to me like he wants to go back, but WWE aren't interested. He also said he is back in training for the Olympics.


A-Train will feud with Randy Orton upon his WWE return, with a view to him eventually being pushed into the top title storylines.

Alberto Del Rio:

Is healing so slowly that WWE plan on putting him into a team tag with his ring announcer Ricardo Rodriguez for the immediate future.

Hudson snubs WWE:

Jennifer Hudson will not perform America The Beautiful at WrestleMania, Lilian Garcia will have the honour instead.

Lilian Garcia:

From honour to abuse for Lilian Garcia, She made a mistake during this weeks SmackDown tapings when introducing a match between Zack Ryder and Jack Swagger. She said...

''Long Island Iced Z, Jack Swagger''. The crowd had a laugh, then they re-shot and it was done. That was until the show went off the air, when she was about to introduce the dark match, her mike was cut, then super face John Cena walked to the ring with former announcer Tony Chimel, and told Lilian to leave the job to a professional.

This woman has been an employee there for more than 10 years, WWE and it's poster boy should be F'N ashamed of themselves.

The Undertaker:

Also had a mike botch saying WrestleMania was on April 21st, he however was not treated in the same way.


WWE were P*ssed about the FCW story breaking online the other day, they wanted to make a big announcement after Mania. Some detail has emerged. FCW will continue and has secured a TV deal independent of WWE, but a new base will be set up in Stamford as a half way house in between developmental and promotion to the big show, where execs can monitor for themselves, new talent's ability, work on their character and back story (Which Triple H wants), and make them the best they can before we see them on TV.

Mania 29 announcement:

WWE will announce WrestleMania 29's main event the night after WrestleMania 28 on April 2nd's Raw, John Cena, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Undertaker are rumoured to be involved.

Curt Hawkins:

Is working with The Rock to help him get ready for WrestleMania.

Hornswoggle vs Rock:

In another Twitter rift, Hornswoggle apologised to The Rock for...

“Glad @TheRock needs to sing karaoke to get his $hit in. @JohnCena will always be a true professional, doesn’t need scripted lines, bullet points, or #stupidsrxualinuendos like @TheRock”

He then posted a picture of himself with I'm Sorry written on his wrist, which got this reply from The Great One...

“@wwehornswoggle Thank U but not needed. Its what friends do – talk it out. Plus, if U took a swing at me you’d hit my balls. #NoBallShots”.

Husky Harris:

Is ready to return to the WWE storylines, they are working on his character.

WWE vs Fans:

WWE are working with YouTube to get fan shot footage posted on YouTube banned, due to spoilers. They record SmackDown on Tuesday and air it on Friday, and are tired of footage getting out early. 

You know WWE, you could just record your show on the day, or Live!!!.

Shaul Guerrero:

Eddie and Vickie Guerrero's daughter Shaul has received high praise from he mentors at WWE developmental, she was described as versatile in being able to change characters and do promos off the top of her head, learn from her mistakes, take criticism well, and having a great attitude. It was noted that several women have showed up to FCW for tryouts knowing nothing at all about wrestling.

The Great Khali:

Will be in a new French movie.

Randy Orton:

Is working sick, with Stomach Flu... nice.

WWE Documentary:

The USA network will air a documentary tracking the lives and career's of The Rock and John Cena this Monday. It is titled Once In a Lifetime (Except it probably won't be...) and will air at 8/7Central... (I think that is right, I am English so not sure about how you write the time difference).

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