Sunday, March 4, 2012

Today's News

Drew McIntyre:

Has been removed from WWE.Com after being fired by Teddy Long on SmackDown, this is a storyline however, expect him to be re-hired by John Laurinaitis and become one of the members of Team Laurinaitis for the WrestleMania match between the 2 GM's. Kane and David Otunga may also be on his team.

Billy Corgan:

Smashing Pumpkins frontman, turned wrestling promoter Billy Corgan, has signed Rhyno and will bring back the original ECW Championship with Rhyno (Who owns the title) defending against DH Smith.

ROH mock WWE:

They have posted a photo mocking WWE (To follow).

Wade Barrett:

Bad news for Wade Barrett, he underwent surgery on his injured shoulder, and it was discovered that the injury was far worse than first thought, he will be out for 3 - 4 months and will also miss WrestleMania. This is the reason Money In The Back was pulled from WrestleMania, Barrett was to win the match, leading to him being pushed into the top level championship picture, that has now being pushed back.

Doug Furnas:

We have sadly had the first death of 2012, RIP Doug Furnas, you can go to R.I.P Dead Wrestlers to leave your memories and tributes.

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