Sunday, March 18, 2012

Today's News

We have hit our first landmark, 100 fans, Thank you all for joining the page... 

John Morrison:

Has made an appearance in a new Weird Al Yankovic video.


X-Pac and British female icon Saraya (Who was there supporting her daughter) made special appearances at the most recent FCW tapings.

WWE Movies:

WWE have announced a 2 movie deal in collaboration with Lionsgate Films, and that they have 3 movies to be released in 2012.

Bill DeMott:

Has joined the creative team, working under Dusty Rhodes at FCW.

Legends House:

Filming for WWE Legends House has now completed.

Cody Rhodes:

Has finally relented to pressure from fans and the WWE office and has decided to join Twitter.

Bret Hart:

Were you one of the kids that were lucky enough to be given a pair of the Hitman shades by Bret Hart?, well if not you can now buy a pair for yourself from


WWE plan on using other Diva's at WrestleMania other than the tag match, no word on the role yet, but it probably won't be a match on the card, maybe a pre-show dark match.

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