Thursday, March 8, 2012

Today's News

Hulk Hogan:

Says He doesn't know who his partner in the sex tape was, The Ultimate Warrior has also commented on this...

“HH sex tape? Don’t need more boring proof Terry is impotent with tiny, shriveled-up balls. And finding out he’s lesbian is 2 much 4 even me.”

The Rock:

Has an extremely busy 2012 planned after WrestleMania, he is signed up to shoot 4 movies and is also planning to continue with WWE into SummerSlam.

He has also begun spending his WrestleMania paycheck, buying a new mansion in Florida.

Justin Credible:

Was backstage at Raw on Monday.

Legends House:

Adam (Batman) West is a guest entrant in Legends House. The show is thought to be hosted by one of the Pussycat Dolls. (Pic to follow).

Rock vs Cena:

The Rock and John Cena have been told there is to be no physicality between the two until the final Raw before WrestleMania on March 26th.

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