Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Today's News

Vince Russo:

Want to learn how to become a top wrestling booker / story writer???. Vince Russo has announced he is going to tour the USA delivering seminars on how to do it just like him (Wrestling promotions everywhere, be afraid... be very afraid).

Booker T:

Has claimed that The Rock stole his finisher The Book End, turning it into The Rock Bottom. The move was used in Japan before Booker adapted it, so I am not sure why he said it, but there is bad feelings in the back about The Rock, WWE people are letting the world know how they feel, some more openly than others.

Beth Phoenix:

Has had an angry rant on Twitter about being overlooked by WWE, it may be a storyline.

Tarver vs Cena:

Former WWE star Michael Tarver has called John Cena out, he took offence to him rapping on Raw.

Good News:

Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff has revealed he is clear of cancer.

Zack Ryder:

Has hinted he will join the GM tag match on Team Long. Their is a huge Twitter campaign going on with every star not booked for the show trying to get a spot in this match.

Personal Note...

It should be what you do in the ring that earns a spot, not how often you beg on the internet.

Possible surprise entrants on Team Long are Rey Mysterio (who can't work a full match alone yet as he is not fully healed, but may be able to join this match and hit a few high spots, then tag out to take a breather), and if Rey can't go Evan Bourne could get the spot despite being told he would not be on the show because of his suspensions.

WWE are also playing with the idea of making it an elimination match, but time constraints may scupper this idea.

WWE 13:

Want to be apart of the new WWE 13 video game?, THQ are advertising for game designers to help create the next instalment of the franchise, apply on their website.

Chase Stevens:

Ex TNA Star Chase Stevens who was backstage at Raw this week has been asked to attend SmackDown next week as well. Maryse was also backstage at Raw visiting her boyfriend The Miz.

Shaquille O'Neal:

Its seems that WWE and Shaq have parted company in relation to the WrestleMania match vs Big Show. WWE were legit PO'd about Shaq revealing the storyline on a talk show, Shaq will appear on another talk show this week, we will have to wait and see what he says on the subject.

WWE release:

John Laurinaitis's assistant in charge of talent, and of booking enhancement talent for house shows, and superstar travel etc, Ty Bailey has been released by WWE.


The most recent WrestleMania card has been leaked including a match that will be announced on this weeks SmackDown, and an as yet unannounced name on team Laurinaitis for the GM match...

The Rock vs. John Cena

WWE Title Match...
Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk

World Heavyweight Title Match...
Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

Hell in a Cell...
Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Special Referee, Shawn Michaels

Team Long vs. Team Laurinaitis...
Santino Marella, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth & 3 others vs. David Otunga, Mark Henry, Christian & 3 others.

Intercontinental Title Match...
Big Show vs. Cody Rhodes

Randy Orton vs. Kane

Oklahama ban:

The state of Oklahoma has put all combat sport on hold after being threatened with a lawsuit by UFC, the ban will include wrestling events. The lawsuit came about because the state has decided to charge a 4% tax rate on all PPV buys for one year, for any event that happens in the state, UFC contested this, and it seems the state were advised UFC were likely to win, so Oklahama have took their ball and went home.

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