Thursday, March 1, 2012

Today's News

Matt Hardy:

Has released a home video of the Hardyz pre WWF days (Video)...

The Ultimate Warrior:

Has launched an online reality show.


Vince McMahon wanted Vader to change his character before he debuted with WWE.

CM Punk:

Has said the worst opponent he ever had was Elijah Burke.

The Rock:

Has been severely criticised after writing notes on his arm for his promo on Raw.

Christy Hemme:

Had a ''Wardrobe malfunction'' during the last TNA taping's, her battery pack caused something to snap and she revealed more than her sparkling personality to the crowd.

Jeff Hardy:

Did not turn up for the TNA tapings, causing last minute script rewrites, TNA say he was sick.

Haas baby:

Conratulations to former WWE stars Charlie Haas and Miss Jackie, who are expecting their 4th child.

Raw no shows:

Brodus Clay and Randy Orton were advertised for Raw but did not appear, Randy was set to have his concussion re-evaluated so maybe he wasn't medically cleared.

Cena vs Rock:

Jim Ross has revealed that there is legitimate heat between John Cena and The Rock after Cena went off script when he called The Rock and SOB, and also pointed out the notes on The Rock's arm, this allegedly caused a confrontation in the back after the show.

Colt Cabana:

Was seen backstage at Raw. WWE deny it.

William Regal:

Is to be announced as the new General Manager of NXT.

Cody Rhodes record:

Has been IC Champ for 200 days, matching the likes of Pedro Morales, The Honky Tonk Man, Mr. Perfect, The Rock and Shawn Michaels. He has also been booked for a WrestleMania match, he is set to defend the title vs The Big Show (Don't know what that means for Shaq).

Timothy Well:

Former WWE star Timothy Well is looking to take action after his death was announced by his former promotion in Puerto Rico.

WWE Network:

November is the new debut date for the WWE Network.


Says she will be back ''Soon''.

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