Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Today's News

CM Punk:

Responds to singer Chris Brown's allegations of steroid use (Video)...

Chris Brown responded with...

''cmpunk the video u just posted was cute! It’s so funny how defensive u are. And the fact that I really don’t know who you are and could give a shit is the funny part! I really hope this 15 minutes of fame is paying you for the long run becuz music last forever! Wrestlers come and go according to ratings!.''

“I miss the real wrestlers! ( Hacksaw Jim duggan, Brett the hitman heart, coco beware, rowdy roddy piper) #Notnopunks.”

Wade Barrett:

Is in good spirits despite the injury that will cost him his WrestleMania this year, he tweeted to a fan...

''The biggest downer is that I was scheduled to face Papa Shango this year at ‘Mania. That’s up in the air now.''

David Otunga:

David Otunga's fiance Jennifer Hudson was backstage at SmackDown last week, she was asked to sing America The Beautiful at WrestleMania, no word on her answer yet.


WWE are PO'd at Shaq for revealing he will compete at WrestleMania, They have issued a statement denying he will be at the show on their website. They obviously wanted to build it up on TV via the storylines and feel that has now been spoilt.

Rey Mysterio:

Potentially big news on Rey Mysterio, he was backstage recently at a WWE show to discuss contract details for his upcoming return, according to a top level source, (as ever not named) he was demanding far more than WWE were prepared to offer, including top level money and main event spots on top PPV's. Problem is WWE feel his career is close to ending and the fact he is constantly injured also doesn't help his cause, They want him to a sign a PPV - PPV contract, paid per appearance, he left the arena without doing so, maybe Rey won't be coming back?.

Trish Stratus:

Is on stand by for a WrestleMania match vs Beth Phoenix, because although she did appear at the Royal Rumble, Kharma is not yet recovered enough from giving birth, to work a full schedule.


Is favourite to induct Ron Simmons into the Hall Of Fame.

Vince McMahon vs Brodus:

He launched a scathing attack on Brodus Clay's work, calling him unsafe and reckless and says he does not want to see him anywhere near TV until he comes up to standard.


The current storyline between the GM's Laurinaitis and Long is set to lead up to a WrestleMania match where the winner will run both shows.

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