Thursday, February 2, 2012

Today's News

Evan Bourne:

Is not in rehab, he posted a Twitter update from a shopping mall meeting fans.

WWE Network:

Due to the delay in the WWE Network their flagship show Legends House will instead be shown on Sy-Fy, they have also decided to include the Iron Sheik because the show will probably have a more mature audience, so they won't need to dilute the content.


Makes his thoughts on his future public after his leg amputation...

“I wish I could still be in the ring but deep down I know my time is up. Nowadays having only one leg it’s obvious. There is no turning back the hands of times. Thanks to all of you that write me and keeping me in your prayers. Right now my heart is broken but in time I know it will heal. I wish I had the skill to do something else but I dont know what it would be. I just don’t want the government taking care of me, that’s why when I was up and able I drove a truck. No matter what I once were it’s what I need to do now to support myself and family. I know it’s hard right now but I believe God has use for me. I’m coming back this way.”

Mark Henry's career Over?:

Both of his knees went out during the Cage Match at the Royal Rumble, he was supposed to help Big Show stop Daniel Bryan from falling from the cage, but he was in so much pain he couldn't get up. It is thought that because he has been working with a groin injury for so long it has had a knock on effect which has caused a much more serious problem.

Brodus Clay:

Road Dogg is the man to blame for Funkasaurus.

Michael Cole:

Has been getting some negative press, UFC officials commented on the difference between WWE and UFC, with...

''At least we don't have an imbecile as lead commentator ruining our show.

Goldust vs Cody Rhodes:

The Title vs Career match between Brothers Goldust and Cody Rhodes, which did not happen at the Royal Rumble, will also not happen at the Elimination Chamber as Cody is in the Chamber Match. Maybe it will (it won't) happen at WrestleMania after all.

The Undertaker:

Had to wear a wig on Raw, He shaved his head after Mania last year and it still has not grown back sufficiently.

PPV axed:

WWE have now dropped the bragging rights PPV, people have started to whisper their concerns about Vince McMahon's mental state of late, it is felt he is taking too much on, with the Network taking up most of his time.


The farting Natalya storyline is going to continue, turning her into a comedy character before an eventual face turn and run with Beth over the title, this will be a long slow burn though because Beth will face Kharma at Mania and the storylines have begun to start that feud, Beth said in an interview that she is bored at the lack of competition.

WWE Hacked:

WWE are prepared to be hacked by anti SOPA / PIPA protesters after the UFC site was taken down last week.

Bobby Lashley:

Wants to restart his wrestling career, but WWE don't want him back, there is still bad blood between Lashley and Michael Hayes, and WWE are not happy with how he left the company.

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