Monday, February 20, 2012

Today's News

Bo Rotunda:

FCW star and son of WWE Legend IRS, Bo Rotunda was arrested for DUI last night, WWE tend to be pretty strong on this kind of thing (Unless you are a mid 20's blonde former Diva's champ), but, because of who his dad is and his standing With WWE, he will probably be alright.


Former WWE Star Candice was backstage at the Elimination Chamber last night, with her family.


The Undertaker will address Triple H tonight on Raw. Expect him to be either bald or have a very different appearance.


Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan for WrestleMania was confirmed last night.

Big O:

Zack Ryder's buddy Big O won his first ever wrestling match last night, WWE here he comes!!!.

Punk vs Rapper:

I don't know if singer Chris Brown has been slagging wrestling, but when asked about him on Twitter by a fan, CM Punk wrote...

“I would like @chrisbrown to fight somebody that can defend themselves. Me curb stomping that turd would be a #wrestlemania moment.”

The singer responded with 2 tweets in response ...

“@CMpunk needs more followers. He’s such a leader! Not to mention the roids hes on has made it utterly impossible for him pleasure a women.”

“Positivity regardless of how u feel! @CMpunk contact my assistant and I’ll have em send u an autographed pic for my biggest FAN!!!”


Says he turned down the chance to host Tough Enough 2, and that he won't return to WWE unless it is for a long run, he does not want to be one of those guys who drift in and out for five more minutes under the lights.

WWE draft 2012:

Will be on April 23rd.

Beth Phoenix tribute:

She wore white tape in homage to Rowdy Roddy Piper last night. Beth, Tamina, and Santino have all received great praise from fellow workers on Twitter for their performances at the Elimination Chamber.

Title change nixed:

CM Punk was going to lose the WWE title to Chris Jericho last night, but the storyline was changed at the 11th hour.

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