Thursday, February 9, 2012

Today's News

Jake The Snake Roberts:

Has responded to rumours WWE will not induct him into the Hall Of Fame until he is dead...

“I did make a lot of mistakes in my career but if they would acknowledge what I did and what I accomplished by putting me in there, it would be something I could give to my Grandchildren, for everything I did right, I know I belong in there, a lot more than others that are in there but I don’t care about that, the WWE was very good to me. I didn’t understand a lot of things, I was not a good business man. Vince would call me say we need an idea for this and I’d give him an idea and we’d just rock and roll with it, I didn’t know I’d to go in there and fight for my money and my place and the bottom line is the squeaky wheel gets the grease and I should of recognized that. I should of done the right thing and been squeaky.”

Stone Cold is not happy with WWE's line, he wrote on Twitter...


WrestleMania 29:

Metlife stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey is expected to be the site of WrestleMania 29. Announcement in a few weeks.

Chris Nowinski:

Has commented on the last year of Chris Benoit's life...

''We incorporated Sports Legacies ten days before the Benoit tragedy. A year prior to that I sat down with Benoit when I was still working for (WWE) and he just started asking me questions. He was more interested than any other wrestler, which helps me realize that he actually knew there was something wrong with him. He asked me about how many concussions I had and I asked him and he said, ‘Well, I had more concussions than I can count.’ So, because he told me that and then he told me to give him a call. I remember months later… I called him and he acted like he didn’t know why I was calling after he gave me his number. So, I thought maybe there was a memory thing or maybe a mood thing going on. So, when it happened, I was sure that is why it happened.”

On Benoit’s last year of his life...

“Chris was a different guy emotionally. You talked to the guys who were on the road with him over the last year and he would break down crying for no reason, paranoia about someone kidnapping his son so he moved homes, different routes to the airports just in case someone was following him. He was really losing it because his brain had this pattern of cell death that left a lot of cognition, but destroyed emotions and impulse control.”

On finding answers about Benoit...

“We are trying to understand why it happened so it could be prevented in the future. People can see the warning signs in these people and there are plenty of warning signs. We can change what we do so the disease doesn’t form in the first place. We can raise awareness so we can develop a treatment for it. People have to be accountable for their actions. But the other side is when people get a brain disease, they are not accountable. Verne Gagne killed a man in an Alzheimer’s home. He is not being prosecuted for murder cause he didn’t know what happened. CTE is different because it’s a slow progressing disease and in your forties no one is going to say ‘did he know what he was doing? Was he in control?’ It’s much much more difficult but certainly Verne is not considered a murderer for that. It’s a tough situation, I rather work on prevention.”

Wrestlers in Politics:

Linda might actually get elected this time she has moved into second place in the polls for her state. 

The Rock has also said that he wants to run for president at some point in the future.

Diva's benched:

WWE decided that the Diva's should be left at home, for the upcoming trip to Abu Dhabi, because of the religious laws.

Wrestlers in Movies:

Batista is currently starring opposite Vin Diesel in the new Chronicles Of Riddick movie, The Miz and former WWE star Tiffany have completed a movie with Ghostbuster Ray Stantz (Dan Aykroyd) called Dog's Life.

NFL star to WWE:

Bryant McKinnie asked Jim Ross on Twitter if he could make it with WWE, JR said WWE would certainly take a look at him.

Alberto Del Rio:

Will start his return to the ring, with a house show appearance this weekend. Christian is also fit to go but has not been written back into the storylines yet.

Shaquille O'Neal:

Will officially debut with WWE on March 5th.

New signing:

WWE have signed British wrestler MVK Valkabious, he will compete as Andre Tyson with FCW. Chris Hero has also finally signed.

Shawn Michaels:

Said on Twitter that The Undertaker should keep his streak.

Michael Tarver:

After being released by WWE last year, says he is going to retire from wrestling.

Hall Of Fame:

Yokozuna And Faarooq's Hall Of Fame induction videos will be shown on the Raw after Elimination Chamber.

The Miz:

Unbelievably WWE are considering axing The Miz, they feel he is not as hungry as he was both in the ring and on the mic, before he became WWE champion and the botch on Raw has not helped, his detractors may get their way.

Superfly Jimmy Snuka:

Will be out for 6 months, after his ankle replacement surgery.

Piper vs McMahon:

WrestleMania match?, Piper has issued the challenge and says he will be there... Hmmm.

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