Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Today's News

TNA Movie:

Billy Gunn, Chavo Guerrero, Gail Kim and 2 other TNA stars have been giving a shorter work schedule because they are all away working on a movie.

Injury news:

Kofi Kingston was hurt during the Elimination Chamber (Pic to follow).

Wade Barrett will be out for at least 2 months after dislocating his shoulder during the Battle Royal when he caught Dolph Ziggler on Raw, Cody Rhodes injured his elbow and knee, and R-Truth had to be assisted back from the ring during the same match.

Anonymous dig at The Rock:

A current WWE star wrote a letter criticising The Rock...

“[The Rock] comes in to use WWE to get back the audience he lost doing Disney movies, which is fine but he’s been back over a year and name one person he helped make a bigger star since then? No one.

He’s here for himself, he keeps to himself, and he keeps someone who’s actually touring here all year from making a bigger payday at the bigger shows. It’s all about making this the “biggest” Mania of all time. OK, then what do we do the rest of the year? Who’s been made? You think he took ANY blame for Survivor [Series] not drawing? Of course not, but how do you feud with a guy on the Titantron? Cena nailed the guy dead on tonight.

Say anything about HHH, Taker, etc. still being in the top spot but if they were needed to work the road, they would and they would still work their asses off as much as they needed to. Rock is out for Rock and the idea he’s here to better anything but his own wallet is the biggest work of 2012.”

He or She demanded to remain anonymous (How long before HHH blames Evan Bourne?).

Trish Stratus:

May be added to the Diva's title match at WrestleMania.

Road Dogg and Bill DeMott:

Both got speeding tickets over the weekend.

Perry Saturn:

Was backstage at Raw last night.


Is getting dogs abuse from fellow workers, for her poor ring work on Raw last night.

Jim Ross vs Fans:

JR did not like fans chanting during The Undertaker / HHH segment on Raw (which ran 8-9 minutes too long causing other matches to be shortened) he responded with...

“The minority of fans who were verbally disrespectful of Undertaker with annoying ‘What’ chants, etc aren’t really wrestling fans. They are insecure, attention starved, defiant individuals seeking recognition. So, they have now been recognized and I’m embarrassed for them.”


Shaq confirms he will be wrestling at WrestleMania.

Vickie Guerrero:

Thoughts with Vickie Guerrero, WWE are in Minneapolis, (Which is where he husband Eddie was found dead in his hotel room) guess which hotel WWE booked her in?.

She wrote an emotional Twitter message saying her heart was heavy but she was going to get through, way to go WWE.

Evan Bourne:

You don't need to be Hercule Poirot to see what is coming for Evan Bourne, his partner Kofi Kingston has been given a new regular tag partner R-Truth.

Hall Of Fame:

Damn! Ron (Faarooq) Simmons Hall Of Fame induction video...

Timothy Well:

Former WWF star Timothy Well was reported to have died yesterday by his promotion, but it has been disputed by his family, will let you know what the status is as soon as I know for certain.

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