Monday, February 27, 2012

Today's News

New Jack vs Brian Knobbs:

Former ECW star New Jack knocked Nasty Boy Brian Knobbs unconscious at a recent indy show in Florida, during a locker room fight.

TNA release:

Former WWE star Brian Kendrick has been released by TNA.


Trish Stratus and Lita are currently working on a movie together called Doctor Doom vs The Wrestler Women. Sounds Erm... Good???!!!

Trish's movie commitments mean Natalya is now the backup opponent for Beth Phoenix at Mania in case Kharma cannot compete.

Mick Foley:

Has asked to be a special referee for the WrestleMania Hell In A Cell match, the gig is thought to belong to Shawn Michaels though.

Owen Hart:

WWE have yet again asked, and yet again been refused the permission to induct Owen Hart into the Hall Of Fame, Hart family member Smith Hart says that his wife Martha will never allow him to go in, because she blames the wrestling business for his death, however she will allow her children to make the decision in the future, but not for at least 20 years.

Legends House:

Hall Of Famer's Jimmy Hart and Tony Atlas have been confirmed for Legends House.

The Rock:

Responded to locker room animosity towards his return, saying the guys need to spend more time getting over and less complaining.

New signing:

WWE have signed a new referee, Jason Harding from DGUSA.

Million Dollar baby:

Ted DiBiase Jr. is to become a Father in May.

Rey Mysterio:

Says he wants to be back for WrestleMania and hopes to be in the Money In The Bank match, he also looks forward to facing Sin Cara in the future.

Tag Team:

Possible new WWE tag team to be formed, Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Today's News

CM Punk:

Responds to singer Chris Brown's allegations of steroid use (Video)...

Chris Brown responded with...

''cmpunk the video u just posted was cute! It’s so funny how defensive u are. And the fact that I really don’t know who you are and could give a shit is the funny part! I really hope this 15 minutes of fame is paying you for the long run becuz music last forever! Wrestlers come and go according to ratings!.''

“I miss the real wrestlers! ( Hacksaw Jim duggan, Brett the hitman heart, coco beware, rowdy roddy piper) #Notnopunks.”

Wade Barrett:

Is in good spirits despite the injury that will cost him his WrestleMania this year, he tweeted to a fan...

''The biggest downer is that I was scheduled to face Papa Shango this year at ‘Mania. That’s up in the air now.''

David Otunga:

David Otunga's fiance Jennifer Hudson was backstage at SmackDown last week, she was asked to sing America The Beautiful at WrestleMania, no word on her answer yet.


WWE are PO'd at Shaq for revealing he will compete at WrestleMania, They have issued a statement denying he will be at the show on their website. They obviously wanted to build it up on TV via the storylines and feel that has now been spoilt.

Rey Mysterio:

Potentially big news on Rey Mysterio, he was backstage recently at a WWE show to discuss contract details for his upcoming return, according to a top level source, (as ever not named) he was demanding far more than WWE were prepared to offer, including top level money and main event spots on top PPV's. Problem is WWE feel his career is close to ending and the fact he is constantly injured also doesn't help his cause, They want him to a sign a PPV - PPV contract, paid per appearance, he left the arena without doing so, maybe Rey won't be coming back?.

Trish Stratus:

Is on stand by for a WrestleMania match vs Beth Phoenix, because although she did appear at the Royal Rumble, Kharma is not yet recovered enough from giving birth, to work a full schedule.


Is favourite to induct Ron Simmons into the Hall Of Fame.

Vince McMahon vs Brodus:

He launched a scathing attack on Brodus Clay's work, calling him unsafe and reckless and says he does not want to see him anywhere near TV until he comes up to standard.


The current storyline between the GM's Laurinaitis and Long is set to lead up to a WrestleMania match where the winner will run both shows.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Today's News

TNA Movie:

Billy Gunn, Chavo Guerrero, Gail Kim and 2 other TNA stars have been giving a shorter work schedule because they are all away working on a movie.

Injury news:

Kofi Kingston was hurt during the Elimination Chamber (Pic to follow).

Wade Barrett will be out for at least 2 months after dislocating his shoulder during the Battle Royal when he caught Dolph Ziggler on Raw, Cody Rhodes injured his elbow and knee, and R-Truth had to be assisted back from the ring during the same match.

Anonymous dig at The Rock:

A current WWE star wrote a letter criticising The Rock...

“[The Rock] comes in to use WWE to get back the audience he lost doing Disney movies, which is fine but he’s been back over a year and name one person he helped make a bigger star since then? No one.

He’s here for himself, he keeps to himself, and he keeps someone who’s actually touring here all year from making a bigger payday at the bigger shows. It’s all about making this the “biggest” Mania of all time. OK, then what do we do the rest of the year? Who’s been made? You think he took ANY blame for Survivor [Series] not drawing? Of course not, but how do you feud with a guy on the Titantron? Cena nailed the guy dead on tonight.

Say anything about HHH, Taker, etc. still being in the top spot but if they were needed to work the road, they would and they would still work their asses off as much as they needed to. Rock is out for Rock and the idea he’s here to better anything but his own wallet is the biggest work of 2012.”

He or She demanded to remain anonymous (How long before HHH blames Evan Bourne?).

Trish Stratus:

May be added to the Diva's title match at WrestleMania.

Road Dogg and Bill DeMott:

Both got speeding tickets over the weekend.

Perry Saturn:

Was backstage at Raw last night.


Is getting dogs abuse from fellow workers, for her poor ring work on Raw last night.

Jim Ross vs Fans:

JR did not like fans chanting during The Undertaker / HHH segment on Raw (which ran 8-9 minutes too long causing other matches to be shortened) he responded with...

“The minority of fans who were verbally disrespectful of Undertaker with annoying ‘What’ chants, etc aren’t really wrestling fans. They are insecure, attention starved, defiant individuals seeking recognition. So, they have now been recognized and I’m embarrassed for them.”


Shaq confirms he will be wrestling at WrestleMania.

Vickie Guerrero:

Thoughts with Vickie Guerrero, WWE are in Minneapolis, (Which is where he husband Eddie was found dead in his hotel room) guess which hotel WWE booked her in?.

She wrote an emotional Twitter message saying her heart was heavy but she was going to get through, way to go WWE.

Evan Bourne:

You don't need to be Hercule Poirot to see what is coming for Evan Bourne, his partner Kofi Kingston has been given a new regular tag partner R-Truth.

Hall Of Fame:

Damn! Ron (Faarooq) Simmons Hall Of Fame induction video...

Timothy Well:

Former WWF star Timothy Well was reported to have died yesterday by his promotion, but it has been disputed by his family, will let you know what the status is as soon as I know for certain.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Today's News

Bo Rotunda:

FCW star and son of WWE Legend IRS, Bo Rotunda was arrested for DUI last night, WWE tend to be pretty strong on this kind of thing (Unless you are a mid 20's blonde former Diva's champ), but, because of who his dad is and his standing With WWE, he will probably be alright.


Former WWE Star Candice was backstage at the Elimination Chamber last night, with her family.


The Undertaker will address Triple H tonight on Raw. Expect him to be either bald or have a very different appearance.


Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan for WrestleMania was confirmed last night.

Big O:

Zack Ryder's buddy Big O won his first ever wrestling match last night, WWE here he comes!!!.

Punk vs Rapper:

I don't know if singer Chris Brown has been slagging wrestling, but when asked about him on Twitter by a fan, CM Punk wrote...

“I would like @chrisbrown to fight somebody that can defend themselves. Me curb stomping that turd would be a #wrestlemania moment.”

The singer responded with 2 tweets in response ...

“@CMpunk needs more followers. He’s such a leader! Not to mention the roids hes on has made it utterly impossible for him pleasure a women.”

“Positivity regardless of how u feel! @CMpunk contact my assistant and I’ll have em send u an autographed pic for my biggest FAN!!!”


Says he turned down the chance to host Tough Enough 2, and that he won't return to WWE unless it is for a long run, he does not want to be one of those guys who drift in and out for five more minutes under the lights.

WWE draft 2012:

Will be on April 23rd.

Beth Phoenix tribute:

She wore white tape in homage to Rowdy Roddy Piper last night. Beth, Tamina, and Santino have all received great praise from fellow workers on Twitter for their performances at the Elimination Chamber.

Title change nixed:

CM Punk was going to lose the WWE title to Chris Jericho last night, but the storyline was changed at the 11th hour.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Today's News

Kurt Angle:

Has finally admitted that his Olympic dreams are ''slim to none''.

The Rock:

Has announced he will be at WrestleMania 29, no word yet on his role.

Chris Hero:

Will compete as Kassius Ohno with FCW.


The condemnation of the farting Natalya storyline continues, former star Maria Kanellis, rounding on WWE, saying it disrepects not only Natalya, The Hart family name but also the Women's division as a whole to have one of the best female workers in the company to be treated as a clown.

Jim Ross:

Will switch his allegiance to NBA this weekend, commentating on Basketball for the first time.


Has tweeted ''I'm Done''. With TNA?, wrestling as a whole?, we will have to wait and see.


Has tweeted that he will be back tonight at the Elimination Chamber PPV.


TNA star Tara (Formerly WWE's Victoria) was injured (Knee) last night and had to be carried to the locker room.

John Morrison:

Is to start a comedy career.

Evan Bourne:

WWE continue to hint at the upcoming departure of Evan Bourne, they are now clearing out his merch from their web shop at drastically reduced prices.

Personal Note...

Just sack him and be done with it, they are clearly going to wait until his 60 days ban is up, then get rid, meaning he won't be able to wrestle for 90 more days after that.


Edge's post wrestling movie career will begin with Bending The Rules, which will be released on March 9th.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Today's News

Evan Bourne:

WWE have given the biggest hint yet that Evan Bourne is on the way out, he was edited off the intro for Raw this week.

Jesse Sorenson:

Update on TNA star Jesse Sorenson, his doctor's expect a recovery but it may take as much as a year. He has been released from hospital.

Randy Orton:

Was injured (Concussion) on Raw, he will miss the Elimination Chamber PPV, and was to be replaced by Mark Henry, but he was clearly not fit enough so instead will be replaced by Santino Marella.

Brodus Clay:

Brodus's push is on hold, WWE feel his character is over, but his ring work is not up to par yet. He probably won't be on TV for a while.

Legends House:

Hacksaw Jim Duggan has been confirmed for Legends House. Dusty Rhodes, Iron Sheik, Superfly Jimmy Snuka, Sgt. Slaughter and The Honky Tonk Man will not be a part of the show., filming has started.

ADR vs The Miz:

WWE stars have responded to Alberto Del Rio's attack on The Miz as the most hated man in WWE, although Miz is not popular the roster dislike for him is apparently second to ADR, it is widely felt he has not earned his spot.


In a press release from Chyna's next movie, it has been announced that she will play the opening entrant in a Royal Rumble 'Match' where she will then sleep with as many as 9 different men, all playing different characters from the WWE, they include The Iron Sheik, John Cena, Steve Austin, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, and Triple H.

The Rock:

Is free to stay around until SummerSlam and WWE are preparing a storyline to carry him up until then.

Mark Henry:

Will return this week on SmackDown.


Storylines will start on next weeks Raw, including Kharma's return and Shaq's debut.

New Jersey's MetLife stadium hgas beem confirmed as the venue for WrestleMania 29 it will be held on April 7th 2013.

Adam Pearce:

NWA champ Adam Pearce has announced he was set to join FCW, before injuring his neck, he will not be able to wrestle for over a year.


Have been clearing out high level office talent.

They have also critisized the lack of ambition in the current locker room, praising the likes of Eddie Guerrero, Edge, Christian, and The Hardy Boys who were not top level workers 10 years ago but were hungry and fought for it. The midcard talent don't have that motivation now and it could hurt the future of the company. (They must have forgotten Zack Ryder).

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Today's News

Jeremiah Riggs:

Former Tough Enough contestant Jeremiah Riggs has been ''Blackballed'' from the wrestling biz because of his attitude on the show, nobody would touch him so he is doing MMA.

Jesse Sorenson:

TNA star Jesse Sorenson's career may be over, he was injured during the last PPV and has partial paralysis, feeling is returning, so fingers crossed for him.

Vince Russo:

Has been forced out of TNA. He was lead story writer.

Earl Hebner:

The iconic Referee's Daughter Katie has started her training to become a wrestler.

Rey Mysterio:

Was thought to have been backstage at Raw last night.

Kevin Nash:

Will not appear as a on air talent any more, he is still contracted to WWE, but it is a Legends contract which does not cover on air appearances.

Raw controversy:

Zack Ryder's bump has caused consternation by former and some current stars of the ring who are furious that such a dangerous stunt was allowed to happen on some one who has such a bright future ahead of him. Some of the critics of the stunt included, Foley, Styles, Helms, & Storm.

It also seems that John Cena and Eve Torres's heel turns are getting closer after Raw last night (Kiss, Kiss).

The Undertaker:

WWE have wrote The Undertaker's short hair into the storylines, he cut it last night on Raw.

Mark Henry to HOF:

Former World Champion Mark Henry will be inducted into the Sports Hall Of Fame along with Arnold Schwarzannegger and Randy Couture.

Beth Phoenix vs Alundra Blayze:

They have started a Twitter battle, maybe this match will happen???.

Alberto Del Rio:

Was not cleared to have his return match on the SmackDown house show, instead he arm wrestled Sheamus.


Lilian Garcia's tribute to Whitney Houston, (Dolly Parton's version is still the best) (Video)...


WWE have renamed Tamina as Tamina Snuka as a tool to push her into a Diva's championship challenge.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Today's News

Mickie James vs Bischoff:

Mickie does not agree with Hulk Hogan that Eric Bischoffs son Garrett will be the future icon of the wrestling business. (I have not seen him in action to comment, but... I agree with Mickie).

The Undertaker:

Has been removed from the opening credits of SmackDown, so he will probably only appear on Raw.

Heath Slater:

Congratulations to Heath Slater who is to become a Father for the first time, with his high school sweetheart.

Alberto Del Rio:

You all know how the WWE are on an anti bullying kick? (Fair play to them) someone probably should have informed Alberto Del Rio, he said in an interview that he has a real life hatred for one of his fellow WWE competitors, and mocked him for being bullied as a child...

“I hate The Miz. This is not part of the show, I really really dislike that guy. I’ve tried to punch him in the face several times, not in the ring, I mean outside of the ring. He is like a little girl always running away from me.”

Del Rio added that he and The Miz were very different. “I’m a real athlete. He’s just a loud, stupid little kid. He’s one of those guys who was probably bullied in school and that’s the reason that he’s so loud now.”

The Miz is in trouble though, he has had some heat building on him and now another star openly disrespecting him!, comments that he may be on the way out, may have more weight to them than first thought.

Alberto was promoting his return to the ring.


May be about to launch an assault on TNA talent, they are already watching the Bobby Roode situation, Sting's recent interview about wanting to face The Undertaker pricked up their ears, now Kurt Angle has been linked with a return, Possibly as early as WrestleMania.

Beth is Wonder Woman:

This has not been confirmed, but WWE have apparently been asked for their permission to allow current Diva's champioin Beth Phoenix to play Wonder Woman in a new movie.

Hart Family:

Do you remember when Jerry Lawler, and Bobby Heenan used to joke that Stu Hart was as old as time, well Bret Hart took part in a recent DNA survey and they traced him back 60,000 years. Bobby really is a Brain. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Today's News

Matt Hardy:

Needs to undergo back surgery for a herniated disc.

Bobby Roode to WWE?:

The TNA star's contract is up in the next few weeks, and WWE are looking at the situation closely.


Is coming back to WWE, he has announced he is to close his promotion and is thought to be waiting for the return of the Cruiserweight division.

Mr. Perfect:

On The anniversary of his father's death Michael McGillicutty (Joe Hennig) has wrote an emotional message on Twitter...

“February 10th. A day I just can’t forget… My dad, my best friend… He past away 9 years ago… I miss u dad. I miss u so much! I love you.

Dear Dad. Hey man. I’m doin the bst I can. I doin everything you told me to do. I’m not supposed to cry but I can’t help it. I’m tired of sitting on the sidelines. My name is Joe Hennig. And I’m the past, present and future.

Today, I dont give a damn what u call me. Michael McGillicutty. I am Joe Hennig and I am apart of the greatest wrestling legacy of all time. I miss u Dad. And from here on out, I’m taking over! I love u daddy. RIP Curt Hennig. Let’s get this Goin. #Hennig”.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Today's News

Jake The Snake Roberts:

Has responded to rumours WWE will not induct him into the Hall Of Fame until he is dead...

“I did make a lot of mistakes in my career but if they would acknowledge what I did and what I accomplished by putting me in there, it would be something I could give to my Grandchildren, for everything I did right, I know I belong in there, a lot more than others that are in there but I don’t care about that, the WWE was very good to me. I didn’t understand a lot of things, I was not a good business man. Vince would call me say we need an idea for this and I’d give him an idea and we’d just rock and roll with it, I didn’t know I’d to go in there and fight for my money and my place and the bottom line is the squeaky wheel gets the grease and I should of recognized that. I should of done the right thing and been squeaky.”

Stone Cold is not happy with WWE's line, he wrote on Twitter...


WrestleMania 29:

Metlife stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey is expected to be the site of WrestleMania 29. Announcement in a few weeks.

Chris Nowinski:

Has commented on the last year of Chris Benoit's life...

''We incorporated Sports Legacies ten days before the Benoit tragedy. A year prior to that I sat down with Benoit when I was still working for (WWE) and he just started asking me questions. He was more interested than any other wrestler, which helps me realize that he actually knew there was something wrong with him. He asked me about how many concussions I had and I asked him and he said, ‘Well, I had more concussions than I can count.’ So, because he told me that and then he told me to give him a call. I remember months later… I called him and he acted like he didn’t know why I was calling after he gave me his number. So, I thought maybe there was a memory thing or maybe a mood thing going on. So, when it happened, I was sure that is why it happened.”

On Benoit’s last year of his life...

“Chris was a different guy emotionally. You talked to the guys who were on the road with him over the last year and he would break down crying for no reason, paranoia about someone kidnapping his son so he moved homes, different routes to the airports just in case someone was following him. He was really losing it because his brain had this pattern of cell death that left a lot of cognition, but destroyed emotions and impulse control.”

On finding answers about Benoit...

“We are trying to understand why it happened so it could be prevented in the future. People can see the warning signs in these people and there are plenty of warning signs. We can change what we do so the disease doesn’t form in the first place. We can raise awareness so we can develop a treatment for it. People have to be accountable for their actions. But the other side is when people get a brain disease, they are not accountable. Verne Gagne killed a man in an Alzheimer’s home. He is not being prosecuted for murder cause he didn’t know what happened. CTE is different because it’s a slow progressing disease and in your forties no one is going to say ‘did he know what he was doing? Was he in control?’ It’s much much more difficult but certainly Verne is not considered a murderer for that. It’s a tough situation, I rather work on prevention.”

Wrestlers in Politics:

Linda might actually get elected this time she has moved into second place in the polls for her state. 

The Rock has also said that he wants to run for president at some point in the future.

Diva's benched:

WWE decided that the Diva's should be left at home, for the upcoming trip to Abu Dhabi, because of the religious laws.

Wrestlers in Movies:

Batista is currently starring opposite Vin Diesel in the new Chronicles Of Riddick movie, The Miz and former WWE star Tiffany have completed a movie with Ghostbuster Ray Stantz (Dan Aykroyd) called Dog's Life.

NFL star to WWE:

Bryant McKinnie asked Jim Ross on Twitter if he could make it with WWE, JR said WWE would certainly take a look at him.

Alberto Del Rio:

Will start his return to the ring, with a house show appearance this weekend. Christian is also fit to go but has not been written back into the storylines yet.

Shaquille O'Neal:

Will officially debut with WWE on March 5th.

New signing:

WWE have signed British wrestler MVK Valkabious, he will compete as Andre Tyson with FCW. Chris Hero has also finally signed.

Shawn Michaels:

Said on Twitter that The Undertaker should keep his streak.

Michael Tarver:

After being released by WWE last year, says he is going to retire from wrestling.

Hall Of Fame:

Yokozuna And Faarooq's Hall Of Fame induction videos will be shown on the Raw after Elimination Chamber.

The Miz:

Unbelievably WWE are considering axing The Miz, they feel he is not as hungry as he was both in the ring and on the mic, before he became WWE champion and the botch on Raw has not helped, his detractors may get their way.

Superfly Jimmy Snuka:

Will be out for 6 months, after his ankle replacement surgery.

Piper vs McMahon:

WrestleMania match?, Piper has issued the challenge and says he will be there... Hmmm.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Today's News

CM Punk = Good Guy:

He threw his shirt to a boy in the crowd at a recent house show but a guy sitting close grabbed it and took it to his seat, so Punk walked from the ring took the kid to the concession stand and bought him a new one.


R-Truth (Concussion) and Eve (Broken Nose) were injured on Raw. The Miz has been getting a lot of heat from fellow workers, feeling he did not protect R-Truth during the move.


Ron Simmons to the Hall Of Fame?, JBL said on Twitter he will induct his former tag partner into the Hall Of Fame. There has not been an official announcement yet but X-Pac also commented congratulations, so another HOF leak. Vince will be pleased.

Bobby The Brain Heenan:

Will make his first public appearance since the his fall in September, this weekend.

Zack Gowen:

Told a funny story story about Roddy Piper on his podcast, Piper was supposed to pull his false leg off and hit Hulk Hogan but he was pulling the wrong leg.

The Hurricane:

Congrats to Shane (Hurricane) Helms who had his first match since his motorcycle crash last weekend.

The Miz:

Has a movie coming out in the summer.

Shaquille O'Neal:

Shaq will debut with WWE after Elimination Chamber.

Drew McIntyre:

Is to be repackaged to give him the chance to save his job, but thoughts are his days are numbered with WWE.


Says he has almost joined WWE on three or four occasions and wants to face The Undertaker and have a WrestleMania match before he retires. (Finally).

John Cena:

Will start a Nascar race.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Today's News

Royal Rumble:

A possible reason for the late Royal Rumble winner switch has emerged, Chris Jericho and his band Fozzy have announced a world tour starting later this year, so he will be gone again at some point after WrestleMania to prepare.

Scary Show:

Big Show scared Randy Orton's daughter at the Royal Rumble when he tried to give her his hat.

WWE Title:

Magazine GQ has named the WWE Championship Belt as one of the 10 greatest prizes in sports.

Goldust vs Cody:

It is Mania or never for Goldust vs Cody Rhodes. WWE have confirmed that the match will not be at the Elimination Chamber.


Machine Gun Kelly whose track is to be used as the theme for WrestleMania will accompany John Cena to the ring during his entrance.


The Hart family are not happy with the current storyline for Natalya.

The Rock:

Doesn't like wrestlers in movies. Do you want to tell him or should I...?

Match cut:

A Match was cut from SmackDown, Brodus Clay beat Heath Slater and was then attacked by Drew McIntyre.


Two titles changed hands at WWE feeder league FCW this week.

Cena vs Rock:

John Cena accuses The Rock of Homophobia on Twitter, he was himself attacked by GLAAD last year for offensive comments on Raw.

The Miz:

WWE are blaming The Miz for the low buyrate for the Survivor Series.


The first episode of Zack Ryder's show on the WWE's YouTube channel is up.


Hopes to be back in time for WrestleMania.

Mike Mondo:

Former WWE star Mike Mondo has been re-signed by the company. (He was a member of the Spirit Squad).


Is coming, SummerSlam will be the first PPV shown this way.

Jody Kristofferson:

The FCW roster were ready to give Jody Kristofferson a hard time believing he was only signed because of who is father is (Actor Kris Kristofferson) but they were made to eat their words, he is apparently very good.

WrestleMania 29:

WWE want WrestleMania 29 to be in an outdoor venue, they are considering stadiums in New York, Indianapolis, New Orleans, Toronto and St. Louis.

Trish Stratus:

Trailer for Trish Stratus's movie Bounty Hunters (Video)...

Triple H:

Is not a fan of Twitter, hopefully that will mean WWE's current obsession will be more downplayed in the future.

WWE Releases:

4 FCW stars have been released from their WWE developmental contracts...

* Calvin Raines

* Leroy Parks

* Marcus Owens

* Peter Orlov

John Morrison:

Worked his first post WWE match in the Philippines last night, and won the promotions title in the main event.

Shawn Michaels:

Will be on Raw on Feb. 13, expect a heel turn leading to WrestleMania where he and Triple H will try to screw The Undertaker out of his streak.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Today's News

Page News:

I am going to be spending some time improving R.I.P Dead Wrestlers this weekend, Instead of having one photo album with one picture of each wrestler, I am going to give each wrestler their own photo album, so I can obviously share more. Also don't forget to check out the new History page Shaggy's Wrestling Page.


Are going to start an new Indy promotion just for Cruiserweights which will air on the Network and will be independent from the main show. Auditions are currently underway.

They also worked with the FBI to get 16 websites took down during the Royal Rumble weekend.

Legends House:

Is about to start filming, it will run until the day before WrestleMania.

Trish Stratus:

Has shot a new movie, it is out on February 28th and is called Bounty Hunters.

Jim Ross:

WWE superstars are all campaigning hard to get Jim Ross back behind the commentary desk for WrestleMania. The Rock, Austin, Jericho, Punk to name but a few. WWE have not commented on their plans, JR says it would be a miracle.

Superfly Jimmy Snuka:

Former WWE star Dawn Marie is raising money to help pay for Superfly Jimmy Snuka's ankle replacement surgery.

Abdullah The Butcher:

Says he has given his Hall Of Fame ring away, saying that he should have been inducted decades ago, they should not have waited 51 years.

Two problems with that, firstly the HOF is only 19 years old, and he never once wrestled for WWE, some say he shouldn't be in at all.


Another match has been penciled in for WrestleMania, We are now up to 7. The match is for the US Title Jack Swagger vs Zack Ryder.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Today's News

Evan Bourne:

Is not in rehab, he posted a Twitter update from a shopping mall meeting fans.

WWE Network:

Due to the delay in the WWE Network their flagship show Legends House will instead be shown on Sy-Fy, they have also decided to include the Iron Sheik because the show will probably have a more mature audience, so they won't need to dilute the content.


Makes his thoughts on his future public after his leg amputation...

“I wish I could still be in the ring but deep down I know my time is up. Nowadays having only one leg it’s obvious. There is no turning back the hands of times. Thanks to all of you that write me and keeping me in your prayers. Right now my heart is broken but in time I know it will heal. I wish I had the skill to do something else but I dont know what it would be. I just don’t want the government taking care of me, that’s why when I was up and able I drove a truck. No matter what I once were it’s what I need to do now to support myself and family. I know it’s hard right now but I believe God has use for me. I’m coming back this way.”

Mark Henry's career Over?:

Both of his knees went out during the Cage Match at the Royal Rumble, he was supposed to help Big Show stop Daniel Bryan from falling from the cage, but he was in so much pain he couldn't get up. It is thought that because he has been working with a groin injury for so long it has had a knock on effect which has caused a much more serious problem.

Brodus Clay:

Road Dogg is the man to blame for Funkasaurus.

Michael Cole:

Has been getting some negative press, UFC officials commented on the difference between WWE and UFC, with...

''At least we don't have an imbecile as lead commentator ruining our show.

Goldust vs Cody Rhodes:

The Title vs Career match between Brothers Goldust and Cody Rhodes, which did not happen at the Royal Rumble, will also not happen at the Elimination Chamber as Cody is in the Chamber Match. Maybe it will (it won't) happen at WrestleMania after all.

The Undertaker:

Had to wear a wig on Raw, He shaved his head after Mania last year and it still has not grown back sufficiently.

PPV axed:

WWE have now dropped the bragging rights PPV, people have started to whisper their concerns about Vince McMahon's mental state of late, it is felt he is taking too much on, with the Network taking up most of his time.


The farting Natalya storyline is going to continue, turning her into a comedy character before an eventual face turn and run with Beth over the title, this will be a long slow burn though because Beth will face Kharma at Mania and the storylines have begun to start that feud, Beth said in an interview that she is bored at the lack of competition.

WWE Hacked:

WWE are prepared to be hacked by anti SOPA / PIPA protesters after the UFC site was taken down last week.

Bobby Lashley:

Wants to restart his wrestling career, but WWE don't want him back, there is still bad blood between Lashley and Michael Hayes, and WWE are not happy with how he left the company.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Today's News


Congratulations To Kharma, as you may guessed from her appearance at the Rumble, she gave birth to a baby boy on December 31st. She will be getting married in June.


Japanese promotion NJPW has new owners.

John Laurinaitis Rib:

He was forced to wear the sleeveless referee jersey at the Royal Rumble as a rib by Vince McMahon.

Legends House:

Shawn Michaels has been asked to go on Legends House.

Evan Bourne:

People close to Evan Bourne have said he has entered rehab, in an effort to save his job.

Mark Henry:

Has been storyline fired, to give him time to heal from a groin injury.

Vladimir Kozlov:

Has started training for an MMA career.


Will debut their Youtube channel today, here are the shows that will appear on it...

* Superstar Toyz
* Outside The Ring
* Are You Serious?
* In Box
* Download
* Backstage Fallout
* WWE Presents…
* Z! True Long Island Story
* Santino’s Foreign Exchange

Hall Of Fame:

Happy Birthday to the WWE Hall Of Fame, today was the day 19 years ago that Andre The Giant became the first inductee.


Is in trouble, her 8 hour Twitter rant continues.