Sunday, January 22, 2012

Today's News

Mick Foley:

Has decided to put his comedy career on hold after his current dates, because he feels he will need at least 3 months to get into shape for an in ring comeback.

TNA stars to WWE:

Former TNA stars Jesse Neal and his partner Toxxine were at FCW's last show (backstage).


Ted Dibiase was injured (Possibly a Broken Hand) in a match with Cody Rhodes and could not continue, he was replaced by Alex Riley.

Matt Hardy:

Will wrestle his first match since leaving TNA, for Mid-Atlantic.

WWE 12:

After teasing adding Chris Jericho to the WWE12 video game, THQ have instead announced Brodus Clay, as the free DLC character (as a heel, not Funkasaurus).

The Ultimate Warrior:

Has made his annual refusal to Hall Of Fame induction, he said on Twitter that Vince McMahon had called him but he said no. Further to the Hall Of Fame, WWE are so angry that upcoming inductee announcements keep getting leaked online before they make the call, that they have decided not to book any more in advance (Triple H himself revealed that Mil Mascaras was going in). They will instead announce them randomly in the build up to WrestleMania (That is why Yokozuna's name was not confirmed on Raw last week).

Randy Orton:

WWE are having second thoughts on Randy Orton's return, they now are planning to bring him in as a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble.

Jim Ross:

Has been involved in a car accident, his car was hit by a pick up.

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