Sunday, January 29, 2012

Today's News

Hulk Hogan:

(Who has been over here in the UK all week) Has said that he turned down the lead role in the movie The Wrestler, he said fans knew that the character was not who he was, and it would cost the movie it's integrity???!!!. He did also say that Mickey Rourke was a better actor than him, and he did a great job in the role.

The Miz:

Hopes WWE can revive the talks with LeBron James for a WrestleMania match, because he was set to face him if he was still inactive due to the NBA lockout. It probably won't happen now, but Shaquille O'Neal is set to face the Big Show.

Mason Ryan:

Is expected to have his push re-started tonight at the Royal Rumble, Brodus Clay has also got something special coming as well.

I am struggling to get Royal Rumble news because they all have spoilers attached with guest entrants and I don't want to spoil it. 


Was injured at the TNA show recorded in London to be aired on the 9th of Feb. He was in a tag match when during his finisher his heel popped and the referee had to stop the match, Sting was in so much pain that Brian Hebner had to sprint backstage to get help for him.

The Hurricane:

Hurricane Helms is to get back in the ring for the first time since his motorcycle accident against Shawn Daivari.

This is too Funny:

Natlya farts, Santino's reaction (Video)...

Wrestler death:

Quentin Jackson who was killed in a training accident at Duane (Gillberg) Gill's wrestling school, was declared Brain dead after landing on his head during a bump. His family are pursuing legal action and changes to the way wrestling schools are run, they want a trained medical officer in attendance to be a legal requirement. Quentin was not killed in the ring, he walked backstage and then began to vomit before collapsing, his family obviously feel he could have been saved.

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