Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Today's News

Hall Of Fame 2012:

The first two Hall Of Fame inductees were announced on Raw last night.

1. Edge who will be inducted by his ''Brother'' Christian...

2. The Four Horseman (Inducted as a group).

WWE have clarified (To avoid claims that they are inducting Chris Benoit by the back door) the names of the group members...

- Ric Flair (Who is already inducted in his own right).

- Arn Anderson (Former BrainBuster with WWE, Triple H has pushed for him to go in).

- Tully Blanchard (Former BrainBuster with Anderson in WWE)

- Barry Windham (Former WWF Tag Team Champ, played many roles in WWE).

- JJ Dillon (The manager of the group)...

Mil Mascarus is also going in, his name was leaked online last year. And Carlos Colon is strongly rumoured to be going in too. Their names will be made official in the coming weeks.

Brodus Clay:

Finally debuted on Raw last night, his gimmick has not gone down well however. After weeks building him up as a monster heel they have instead made him a comedy character he is portraying a blatant rip off of the Flash Funk character from WWF 96-98.

WWE Network:

As predicted WWE are now it seems resigned to the fact that the WWE Network will have to be pushed back by several months, to make it viable.

Raw GM:

Mr Belding (Saved By The Bell) takes his campaign to become the new Raw GM to TV tonight. He will be on afterbuzz with Maria Kanellis.

Jim Ross:

Has been replaced as host of WWE Classics On Demand, by Matt Striker.

David Otunga:

Singer Jessica Hudson has allegedly asked her future husband David Otunga to quit pro wrestling.

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