Monday, January 16, 2012

Today's News

CM Punk:

His appearance at UFC this weekend has been blocked by Vince McMahon.

Jamie Noble:

Wrestled for the first time in 2 years at a WWE house show against Daniel Bryan.

Legends House:

Stephanie McMahon has confirmed 3 names for Legends House, Rowdy Roddy Piper (who was already announced) Iron Sheik, and Dusty Rhodes (Who has denied he is going in).

DH Smith:

Has become the first champion for Smashing Pumpkins lead singer Billy Corgan's Resistance Pro Organisation.

Zack Ryder:

WWE have bought the rights to use The Broski Of The Week theme song from Zack Ryder's YouTube show on their programming.

Ric Flair:

Has been given a 7 minute time limit on his Hall Of Fame speech this year, he went for over an hour last time.

David Otunga:

Will marry his singer fiance Jennifer Hudson later this year, his future wife has also said that their son may have wrestling in his future, ''He knows the moves, better than David''.


Has been written out of the WWE storylines with multiple injuries.

Charles Wright:

Will bring his PapaShango character back, for a one off appearance in New Jersey on March 9th.


WWE are advertising for a new on-air announcer.

Daniel Bryan:

Has had a day dedicated to him in Washington.

Ole Anderson:

Has spoken about The Four Horseman's Hall Of Fame induction...

“Vince McMahon hates my guts, and I don’t like him. So that’s all there is to it. To be a part of that, anyone with a brain knows who the first Four Horsemen were. It was me and Arn and Ric and Tully Blanchard, and J.J. Dillon was the manager. So if they don’t know that, they don’t know anything about wrestling anyway. So what’s the difference?”

“Vince McMahon is never going to call me. I hate his guts just like he hates mine. It’s no big deal.”

“I can’t go anywhere anyway. I’m so screwed up from the multiple sclerosis. I’m in a wheelchair right now, and that thing kills me after a little while and then I have to lay down. That’s my routine. How would I get there? By car? I couldn’t do that. By airplane? I just couldn’t get there.”

“I told Vince McMahon to go (expletive deleted), and I wouldn’t change my mind now.”

John Cena:

WWE have posted their opinions on why fans like / hate John Cena...


* He follows his own mantra.
* He’s an inspiration.
* He thinks of the children.
* He likes Zack Ryder and he isn’t The Rock.


* You’re tired of his shtick.
* He’s Hulk Hogan all over again.
* You think he can’t wrestle.
* He hogs the spotlight.


Has discussed a return, saying he is in the best shape of his life.


Has squashed rumours he is too retire.

Mr. Anderson:

May be through with TNA, he has not been used since November and creative have nothing for him.


Reports say this is to be the theme for WrestleMania (Video)...

Kurt Angle to WWE:

He has sparked rumours of a possible WWE return, he asked JR to call his last match, then said...

''WWE are knocking''.

Maybe a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble?.

Kris Kristofferson:

Actor / Musician Kris Kristofferson's son Jody has been signed by WWE.

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