Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Today's News

WWE Network:

WWE have started to plug another show for their Network, It will be an ESPN style show, and is to be called either Livewire or Countdown.

The Hurricane:

Former WWE star The Hurricane (Shane Helms) has undergone more surgeries to repair his battered body after his motorcycle crash.

Michael Tarver:

Former WWE star Michael Tarver has begun training for a career in the MMA.

Hall Of Fame:

Not everyone has been as enthusiastic about the 2012 Hall Of Fame class as the comments I posted yesterday, Rowdy Roddy Piper said on Twitter...

“They sure throw out the legends word out and the Icon word. Seems like they call everyone that! But when things get HOT, those legends, gone”. 

Dusty Rhodes also made an interesting point (Though more in jest), he said that Ric Flair put his HOF ring on the line in a TNA storyline (Implying that if he doesn't respect the one he has, does he really deserve another?). Ric Flair is set to become the first ever double inductee.

JR has responded to critics of Ole Anderson not being included in the Four Horsemen's upcoming Hall Of Fame induction. He said that Ole fell out with the Horsemen and with wrestling years ago and...

“Knowing Ole, he likely couldn't care less.”

PPV axed:

WWE have axed the Vengeance PPV which would have taken place in October, it will give them more time to build storylines for the Survivor Series.

Al Snow:

Is currently promoting his appearance in a horror / comedy movie called Overtime.

John Cena:

Is worth $106 million according to ESPN.

Linda McMahon:

Her political aspirations have hit trouble, she has been accused of plagiarism regarding a TransCanada pipeline.

Brodus Clay:

WWE claim that Brodus Clay's storyline went over huge with the fans(!!!?)., The character he played was not the one planned (Shock!!!) it was created in the days before Raw.


WWE reports that Zack Ryder was seriously injured by Kane on Raw. (Storyline)

Goldust vs Cody:

Has been penciled in for Wrestlemania according to Goldust.

Foley on TV:

Mick Foley will be on Celebrity Wifeswap on January 24th.

DH Smith:

Says he is not planning to return to WWE.

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