Sunday, December 4, 2011

Today's News

Mick Foley:

Says is he ''Physically capable of having one more decent match, but it won't be an epic encounter''.

WWE / YouTube:

WWE's Youtube channel will launch on February 1st 2012.

Damien Sandow:

FCW Champion Damien Sandow (Idol Stevens) competed in a dark match at Smackdown last week losing to Tyson Kidd.

Skip Sheffield:

WWE star Skip Sheffield's long road to recovery after breaking his leg in August 2010 finally came to an end at a Raw house show yesterday, he won his match defeating Alex Riley.

Page News:

As you know I set this page up because some fans of R.I.P Dead Wrestlers were complaining about discussing living wrestlers on the main page, Initially I intended to trial it for a month, it is currently in it's 6th month and I have finally decided to review it's importance to fans.

I actually thought it had not worked out, only 51 of the 2335 fans of the main page joined this one and although I post almost everyday on here, very rarely is feedback left, so I was prepared to kill this page and had already set up an alternative by adding a Twitter tab to the main page, where I was going to to publish news via Twitter and fans could read it from the main page without posting on the wall of that page, However all the feedback I have received in the past couple of days has been positive in favour of keeping the page alive, the page's fan base actually grew by 6!!!.

So for the fans of this page, I will keep it alive and continue as before, I will also for the fans of the main page publish a summary of the what I post on here so they can get their chance to access this feature of the page, even if they don't want to join the page themselves.

Thanks Everyone


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