Thursday, December 22, 2011

Today's News


Has been re-hospitalized after having his foot amputated, he now needs the rest of the same leg removed.

TNA India:

Former WWE stars Chavo Guerrero and DH Smith have become the first TNA India Tag Team champions.

Hall Of Fame:

A Hall Of Fame museum is coming, with historical pieces such as the Shawn Michaels zip line from WM12. Favourite site currently is Florida, but sites in the North-East of the USA are also been considered as a possible venue.


Is set to return form injury.


Hall Of Famer Sunny suffering from health issues, after a nasty fall down an escalator at Newark airport. She broke her nose, and suffered lacerations to her head, wrist and foot. she then got a viral infection after not been given antibiotics while she was in hospital. she is currently in hospital getting her teeth fixed and has re-broken her nose.

Jesse Ventura:

Hall Of Famer Jesse Ventura set to file lawsuit against website TMZ, after they published an untrue story about him getting into an altercation whilst driving.


Has been forced to apologize after blocking people on Twitter for not believing in Jesus.

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