Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Today's News

CM Punk:

Was denied access to MSG for Raw show, The Security Officer did not believe he was a WWE star.

Shawn Michaels:

Has hosted a Q&A on Twitter, He said he did not miss wrestling, but would always be open to returning in a non wrestling role from time to time.

Randy Orton:

Was injured on SmackDown, (No word on what happened yet) he has been pulled from all upcoming shows and Sheamus will take over the rivalry with Wade Barrett.

Leo Kruger:

FCW Champion Leo Kruger was given a match against Alex Riley at the Raw house show at MSG, the match did not go over well with the fans however.

Matt Morgan:

After a long battle with cancer TNA Star Matt Morgan's father died in the build up to the Christmas holidays, his funeral was on Christmas Eve.

It's Zack's fault:

WWE have blamed their low viewer ratings on Zack Ryder??? (WTFK), and they have decided to take him out of top level matches and put him into a romantic storyline with Eve Torres. I don't know how they have worked out Zack was the reason no one watched, it was most likely a dip because of the holiday period, maybe they are just bored of the kid done good storyline.

Jim Ross:

Says he is not on TV because they feel his look is out of date and they think Michael Cole is really hot. (Again WTF, they are obviously not watching the same product that the rest of us are watching.)

Money In The Bank:

Will be brought back to WrestleMania next year.

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