Friday, December 23, 2011

Today's News

Celeb at Mania:

Shaquille O'Neal is set to face the Big Show at WrestleMania. Negotiations are ongoing to finalize contracts, but it is the fourth match penciled in for the show.

Steph to leave WWE?:

Stephanie McMahon has landed a job outside of WWE. On the board of USO.

Brodus Clay:

WWE seem to change their minds more regularly than their socks, the hype to push Brodus Clay in the past few weeks has been for nothing, the storyline has been dropped, Skip Sheffield who was removed from WWE.Com as punishment for some Tweets he made, is to be repackaged and given the spot instead.

Royal Rumble:

John Cena vs Kane has become the second match confirmed for the Royal Rumble.

Hall Of Fame inductee:

Carlos Colon may become the second inductee into 2012's Hall Of Fame. He is father of current star Primo and the Uncle of Epico.


Shawn Michales is set to be the Special Guest Referee for The Undertaker vs Triple H at Wrestlemania, the plan is since both guys have failed to beat him on numerous occasions individually they will work together to screw him out of his streak.

John Cena vs The Rock at WrestleMania may be for the WWE title.

WWE Release:

Leah West who plays Irena Janjic has been released from her developmental contract with WWE.

Returning PPV:

King Of The Ring may be coming back as a regular PPV event.

WWE Network:

Dusty Rhodes is to present a show on the WWE Network.

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