Saturday, December 31, 2011

Today's News

Happy New Year From Shaggy's Wrestling News...

Randy Orton:

WWE are toying with the Idea of bringing Randy Orton back from injury to win the Royal Rumble (which will be held in his home town) and then putting him back on the bench until Mania.

Possible SPOILER ALERT!!!:

Chris Jericho said on Twitter that Brock Lesnar was the man who the cryptic videos were for.

Brock has made the decision to retire from UFC, president of UFC Dana White says if he does he will retire under contract, so his return to WWE may have to wait. Chris Jericho has also (Again) Denied that the videos are for him and that he is spending New Years in Canada with friends, not in Memphis where Raw is to be held next week.

Heath Slater:

2012's WWE talent clearout may start with Heath Slater, he has lost 18 matches in a row on TV been suspended for a drugs violation and is under investigation by police for an attempted sexual assault on a security guard during the Wrestlemania 27 weekend.


May be getting his dream last match after his appearance on SmackDown, WWE like the idea but are not sure WrestleMania is the best place to have the match, Royal Rumble is a possibilty.

Goldust has been a part of WWE on and off since 1991, Give him his last Mania match, WWE.


May return to WWE With Brock Lesnar.

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