Saturday, June 8, 2019


Goldberg admits injuring himself:

Goldberg says he knocked himself out during a botch filled main of last night's Super Show Down. He today responded to the social media reaction, thanking his fans for their concern, and giving short shrift to those taking joy from the incident...

"Knocked myself out and thought I could finish.... love my fans.....but let u down. Everyone else that found "pleasure" ..... hope ur happy."

Ali gives back:

Ali has donated his biggest payday of the year, for last nights KSA show, to a charity called Water.

Impact fail:

Impact's TV hosts Pursuit aired last weeks episode of Impact instead of this weeks. The error was described as 100% the channel's fault.

Heat on Finn:

Finn Balor sent a pro LGBTQ message from Saudi today, likely not going down well with the ultra conservative governing royal family...

''Love is love. Happy Pride Month from Saudi Arabia!''

Dana White reveals why Brock retired:

'ESPN is not why Brock Lesnar didn't fight. Brock Lesnar got a better deal is basically what happened for Brock."

Goldust reveals why he ended near 30 year relationship with WWE:

"I was tired. To me, it was like I was deflated a lot; terribly. I wanted out because I really wanted to follow my other dream which is acting. I think I can get in there. I have done a few low-budget independent films and I have a couple more on the deck so I wanted to try something else. I have done this for so long, 31 years and I love it, it's my first love but I want to go have some freedom to go do some other things,"

Fan incident:

Impact kicked an obnoxious fan out of their TV's last night...

"A fan was standing up in the front row, yelling random things all night, putting down every match and every move. He's pushing on the barricade and it's pushing against Don Callis' back. He gets asked to sit down. While he's sitting down, he's just holding his phone in front of his face and he's clearly recording the entire time. After the match, he gets asked to put the phone away because there's no recording. He says on the ticket there is nothing that states that. He's given three to four warnings in the same conversation and he's not listening. Then, Atlas Security kicks him out and the entire crowd cheers and sings, 'Na, na, na, hey, hey, goodbye.'"

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