Tuesday, June 11, 2019


New champions:

Revival took the Red tag gold on Raw last night.

Flair sued:

Ric Flair's former management company have confirmed they will be seeking compensation for his accusations of embezzlement against them...

''Today we have taken the first step and filed a Civil Lawsuit against Richard M. Fliehr a/k/a as Ric Flair and certain unnamed (for now) defendants for defamation per se and look forward to proving the falsity of every wrongful allegation contained in his video that was posted on YouTube on June 3, 2019. Ric Flair having taken down the video is not enough. We will vigorously use the court system to protect our good names and reputations, and obtain damages due to Ric Flair's defamatory comments contained in the video. We intend to amend the lawsuit to include all involved parties and hold all involved accountable. We completely stand behind our client's well known reputation for truthfulness, professionalism, honor, and integrity.''


Cesaro had to be helped to the back after being injured during his match on Raw last night. Ricochet had hit him with a suicide dive to the outside of the ring, and the connection did not do the Swiss superstar any good.

Better news for Big E. He will be back on TV this week.

Samoa Joe talks KSA PPV issue no-one thinks about:

"No, I don't think anybody ever has. It was a chaotic scene, let me tell you that in 101-degree weather and a lot of human body heat. It was quite the inferno in that ring''.

Enzo says WWE roster were jealous of his ability:

"Honestly, I think that what creates heat is jealousy. I think hate is nothing but love disguised as jealousy. It's either a relatable quality that you see in that person, or it's that insecurity that you have within yourself that you feel is necessary to either lash out or talk s**t. For me, the way I was raised we didn't talk s**t. When I came into wrestling, I couldn't explain to my friends back home that I was putting on spandex and was losing to a guy with muscles in like 8-10 seconds. All my homies would clown me. I knew I couldn't explain it to my friends but it was all worth it with the light at the end of the tunnel. When I am wearing spandex and getting beat in front of 15 people in a little armory and then I am in front of 85,000 people at a WrestleMania and they're saying 'And You Can't Teach That' with all of us, everything was all worth it. That was the light at the end of the tunnel, which was the beautiful thing. Whether you take a contract for $600 a week, and you barely see raises for five years; I mean, to go from that to crazy money you and your family would have never dreamed about making. So, when you go through that you know that that is in essence the goal. You want to go out in front of all of those people and are willing to put the work in and are surrounded by that, in front of a group of hungry people, which is what I believe made NXT so successful was seeing people making that life-changing money and that life-changing opportunity to be on a cable television program. I think that opportunity and that platform is one of a kind right now, which will be interesting to see what will happen with all of those promotions right now."

AEW giving next PPV to you for free:

AEW will air a free live stream of their next PPV.

SD tease:

  • The New Day return to clash with Ziggler, Owens & Zayn
  • Will Roman Reigns respond to Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre?
  • Will R-Truth hang on to the 24/7 Championship?
  • Can Bayley bounce back from tag team defeat on Raw?

Sasha continues WWE feud:

Despite going back to work yesterday, Sasha Banks has not given up her bad feelings toward WWE, by liking a critical fan tweet that read...

"With every passing Raw and Smackdown I grow less and less interested in the product. I'm starting to realize that I'm supporting a s--tty company for its past greatness rather than critiquing it's current bulls--t. I can't even sit through Raw or Smackdown anymore."

Alum visits:

Big Zeke, Ezekiel Jackson, was backstage at last nights RAw.

Bereavement break:

Andrade and Charlotte Flair have been allowed to go off the road to grieve the loss of Andrade's mum.

Heat on Becky:

Ric Flair says Becky Lynch's attacks on Edge and Beth Phoenix were pissing him off, until he called Edge and found out it was a work...

"This social media stuff I'm just starting to get the hang of it. I had to call Edge up and say, 'Tell me Becky Lynch isn't really shooting on you.' My God, it was pissing me off."

Jericho pulls out of PPV:

Chris Jericho says he will not be at the next AEW PPV.

Monday, June 10, 2019


HHH in Japan:

Triple H says he will compete on the next WWE tour of Japan.

Who you gonna call?... Baron!:

Baron Corbin rode a famous haunted motorway last night looking for the ghosts that reportedly reside there. He was asking his social media followers to tell him the stories of the ghosties of the Pacheco Pass in California.

Cup reinstated:

NJPW have re-installed the Super J Cup after a three year break. It will be fought for in August.

McCool reveals why she could not enjoy WWE career:

"I'm the worst at remembering those things. And, it was time where the business was very stressful and not as kumbaya as it is now. We fought and clawed our way onto tv screens. And it wasn't cool to date they guys. So, I had to struggle with the heat of being with Mark (Taker )and people thinking I was only on TV because of him. It was hard to enjoy those moments because of the stress and what felt like was taking place 100 percent of the time."

Raw tease:

  • Brock Party postponed by Seth Rollins
  • Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre to celebrate "The Best in the World's" triumph over Roman Reigns at Super ShowDown
  • Becky Lynch gets "Nasty" before WWE Stomping Grounds
  • Miz TV will welcome The Samoan Submission Machine
  • Ryder & Hawkins and The Revival to collide in WrestleMania rematch for Raw Tag Team Titles
  • Braun Strowman stands tall in Jeddah
  • WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth on the run

Sasha back at work:

Sasha Banks has been taping a promo for the next WWE video game today. Her first WWE work since walking away at Mania.

Oscar winner to wrestling:

Geena Davies has joined the cast of 'Glow'.

SD camps on Raw:

Uso's will challenge for the red Tag gold tonight.

Ruby Riott reveals origin of her factions name:

"I don't know if there's any truth to this, but I did hear the rumor that Vince watched The Suicide Squad, and wanted like, a Harley Quinn, a Joker, and a beast."

Sunday, June 9, 2019


Edge says Becky Lynch stunk up Mania this year:

Becky Lynch has been trolling Edge and Beth Phoenix on social media for some time, trying to goad Beth into stepping into the ring with her, it seems Edge is growing tired of it (Possibly because Lynch referenced his affair with Lita recently)...

''You actually made Jersey smell worse stinking up the Mania main event like you did. You should focus on improving that instead of stanning me kiddo. But it could work out for ya, maybe Beth can carry you to a decent match. Ok while you scramble with your ghost writer to come up with a comeback and think of the next wrestler you'll rip off Stone Cold Stan Austin, I'm gonna go shine one of my 31 championships. Goodbye @BeckyLynchWWE One Belt. Yeah I had this one in the bank already but clearly it's an easy softball if I'm not the only one thinking it. If you want the match so bad quit trolling me and just ask her. Also don't you have a job? I earned my retirement, go earn yours.''

WWE related Death:

Andrade has lost his mother just hours after the KSA PPV.

WWE invade NJPW:

Dean Ambrose, as Jon Moxley, made his PPV debut for NJPW last night, and Kenta returned to his homeland, after quitting his WWE adventure over Mania weekend.

Mocked match was changed on night:

Social media have been tearing the nonsensical finish of Lars vs Lucha Dragons at SSD to bits this weekend. Despite being a three on one handicap match, the Lucha's were DQ'ed for beating Lars up as a group. This was a last minute change, caused by the heat over Lars' past social media bile. WWE decided the plan to have him monster the smaller Latino men, a societal group he allegedly took aim at during those posts, would, perhaps, not go down well in mainstream media, so changed it to the messy confused farce in KSA.

Bray visits legend:

Bray Wyatt has spent the day with horror legend, Tom Savini, at his studio.

Saturday, June 8, 2019


Goldberg admits injuring himself:

Goldberg says he knocked himself out during a botch filled main of last night's Super Show Down. He today responded to the social media reaction, thanking his fans for their concern, and giving short shrift to those taking joy from the incident...

"Knocked myself out and thought I could finish.... love my fans.....but let u down. Everyone else that found "pleasure" ..... hope ur happy."

Ali gives back:

Ali has donated his biggest payday of the year, for last nights KSA show, to a charity called Water.

Impact fail:

Impact's TV hosts Pursuit aired last weeks episode of Impact instead of this weeks. The error was described as 100% the channel's fault.

Heat on Finn:

Finn Balor sent a pro LGBTQ message from Saudi today, likely not going down well with the ultra conservative governing royal family...

''Love is love. Happy Pride Month from Saudi Arabia!''

Dana White reveals why Brock retired:

'ESPN is not why Brock Lesnar didn't fight. Brock Lesnar got a better deal is basically what happened for Brock."

Goldust reveals why he ended near 30 year relationship with WWE:

"I was tired. To me, it was like I was deflated a lot; terribly. I wanted out because I really wanted to follow my other dream which is acting. I think I can get in there. I have done a few low-budget independent films and I have a couple more on the deck so I wanted to try something else. I have done this for so long, 31 years and I love it, it's my first love but I want to go have some freedom to go do some other things,"

Fan incident:

Impact kicked an obnoxious fan out of their TV's last night...

"A fan was standing up in the front row, yelling random things all night, putting down every match and every move. He's pushing on the barricade and it's pushing against Don Callis' back. He gets asked to sit down. While he's sitting down, he's just holding his phone in front of his face and he's clearly recording the entire time. After the match, he gets asked to put the phone away because there's no recording. He says on the ticket there is nothing that states that. He's given three to four warnings in the same conversation and he's not listening. Then, Atlas Security kicks him out and the entire crowd cheers and sings, 'Na, na, na, hey, hey, goodbye.'"

Friday, June 7, 2019


Alum returns to Impact:

TJ Perkins returned to Impact at this weeks tapings.

New NXT talent get named:

DJZ (Joaquin Wilde) and Shane Strickland (Isaiah Scott) have received their WWE names.

Big commitment expected by WWE:

WWE are asking new intakes to NXT to sign minimum five year deals.


WWE's Super ShowDown has taken place in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The women's match did not happen, after intervention from the governing royal family.

Akam and Sin Cara made surprise injury returns in the battle royal.


  1. Uso's bt Revival (Pre)
  2. Seth Rollins bt Baron Corbin
  3. Finn Balor bt Andrade
  4. Shane McMahon bt Roman Reigns
  5. Lars Sullivan bt Luca House Party
  6. Randy Orton bt Triple H
  7. Braun Strowman bt Bobby Lashley
  8. Kofi Kingston bt Dolph Ziggler
  9. Mansoor won a 50 man battle royal
  10. The Undertaker bt Goldberg

Death and taxes:

Just days after his latest health issue, Ric Flair has been hit with a 6 figure tax bill.

Stomping Grounds:

Both of tonight's World title matches will be re-done at Stomping Grounds later this month.

Fast 9 gets a wrestling star:

John Cena has followed the Rock in joining the epic car movie franchise for the ninth installment.

Alum falls off wagon:

Marty Jannetty has confessed to being on a two month bender of drugs and alcohol, and says he needs, but does not want, help.

Thursday, June 6, 2019


Sami for Syria:

Sami Zayn is launching a fresh fundraiser for medical charities in the war torn Syria.

Surgery needed:

Mickie James says she needs surgery on her knee injury.


Carmella had a travel nightmare making it to a promotional trip in Australia this week. She had flight cancellation after flight cancellation.

Women in KSA:

Nattie and Alexa Bliss have made the trip to Saudi Arabia, but WWE still do not know if they will be allowed to wrestle in the country.

Riddle blocked:

Goldberg has blocked MAtt Riddle on social media, for posts mocking his wrestling ability.

Title change:

Jinder Mahal won the 24/7 title from R-Truth whilst the two men were waiting for their flight to Saudi. Truth regained the gold on the flight.

Women representing WWE:

A group of the female roster, left off the flight for KSA, will represent the company at Pride this weekend.

ROH release statement over Bully Ray incident:

''Ring of Honor prides itself on providing a fun and entertaining environment for both our fans and wrestlers to experience professional wrestling at the highest level. Fans are encouraged to cheer, boo, and chant during the show while wrestlers interact both positively and in rivalry, as that is the engagement that makes the ROH experience what it is. Wrestlers interacting with fans is core to the experience, however, under no circumstance should any of our athletes or staff confront or engage fans outside the bounds of this entertainment experience or outside the bounds of the area that hosts this experience. We hold all of our athletes and staff members to the highest standards and, because of the actions over the weekend, we fell short of meeting those standards. We are still in the process of investigating this matter as well as reviewing and assessing internal security protocols to ensure a safe environment for all fans and athletes. All of our athletes and staff will also be trained and reminded of our policies and protocols for fan interaction and appropriate behavior in all situations. To our amazing and wonderful fans, we apologize for the matter that transpired this past weekend as it does not reflect who we are as an organization or how we hope to engage with our fans. ROH fans are known worldwide for their passion, admiration, and appreciation for our athletes, and we share this same admiration and appreciation for our fans. We encourage all of our fans to continue attending our events and supporting our amazing athletes in a respectful manner as they have done in the past, and we promise to continue delivering what the fans deserve - the best wrestling and the best fan experience on the planet.''

Live off:

WWE have cancelled another SmackDown live, tonight.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Stomping Grounds:

Raw's Alexa Bliss turned up, and won, a shot at the blue Women's gold at the new WWE PPV, despite being a Raw star.

New champs:

R-Truth and Elias traded the 24/7 gold again on SD this week.

Flair pulls accusatory video:

Ric Flair may have had a legal threat this week. He posted a video accusing a 20 year friend and business partner of embezzlement earlier in the week, the video was today removed from his YouTube channel.

WWE star tweets dig at WWE:

Apollo Crews re-tweeted a fan complaint about his lack of use on WWE TV, and made his favourite tweet, pinned to the top of his profile page.

Mox wins gold:

The former Dean Ambrose has won his first title since leaving WWE, for NJPW. He won the Japanese promotions US title last night.

Brit wins big tourney:

Will Ospreay won the big summer tournament in Japan last night. He was crowned best of the super juniors.

Nattie on tour:

Natalya will be the first member of the female wrestling roster to board the flight to KSA with WWE.  Her role at the show is not yet known, but it is highly unlikely that she will be wrestling, although one or two sources suggest Alexa Bliss may make the trip too. She will not be the only lady on the flight though, Renee Young is expected to be on board, as she was last year.

Alum's to battle at Slammiversary:

Rich Swann and John Morrison will battle for the X gold at Impact's big summer show.

New attitude:

Mick Foley says WWE are bringing back the attitude ear for the third hour of Raw, the 24/7 title is a part of the new era, inspired by the iconic phase of the company's past.

NXT UK festival:

NXT UK will debut at Download this summer.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


New champion:

Rey Mysterio gave the US title back to Samoa Joe on Raw last night. He was forced to relinquish due to injury.

Cash in delayed:

Brock Lesnar did not cash in last night, as he said he would, but will do so at the KSA show.


Japanese great, Atsushi Aoki, has died at the age of 41. He was killed when he lost control of his motorcycle whilst driving through a tunnel causing him to crash into the wall.

SD teaser:

  • Goldberg comes to SmackDown LIVE for the first time ever
  • "A Moment of Bliss" with special guest SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley
  • Lars Sullivan to give an exclusive interview
  • Will Roman Reigns be out for payback?
  • Will Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler butt heads before Super ShowDown?

Taker cut:

Undertaker's promo on Raw was cut off by the end of the show, which had ober-run. They have released his continued promo, from after the show's end, on social media...

Impact champ gone:

Eli Drake is officially a free agent, after his acrimonious departure from their employ.

WWE star gives back:

Vic Joseph has set up a scholarship fund in the name of a childhood friend. He said his friend was taken too soon, and he wanted to use his success to make his buddy's life mean something more than his illness allowed.

WWE partnership ends:

WWE and Boom have completed their comic book series together.

Monday, June 3, 2019


Raw tease:

  • Heyman announces Lesnar will cash in on Rollins this Monday
  • Not dead yet: The Undertaker returns
  • Roman Reigns to team with The Usos to battle Drew McIntyre & The Revival
  • These colors don't run: will Rey Mysterio relinquish his title?
  • Ladies first: Lacey Evans continues feud with Becky Lynch

NXT are equals:

HHH says people referring to Tyler Breeze returning to NXT as a demotion are offending his brand...

"It was a lateral move for Tyler Breeze. It wasn't calling him up or sending him down. It was him going to a place where he can do his thing as good as anyone else in the world. I think they both earned each other's respect and realized that this is the place to be. People have asked if this was a one-off for Tyler Breeze? It is not. I think Tyler Breeze took the first step back to being gorgeous and this was just the beginning."

He may be right as NXT's special this weekend scored better viewing figures than both of the main roster shows this week.

ROH incident:

A fan says Velvet Sky and Mandy Leon got involved in two heated incidents with him during a recent ROH show, one of which resulted, he claims, in Mandy spitting in his face. The other led to Velvet calling him into the ring, to which he had some choice comments about who she sleeps with (Bully Ray), and the fact she has tattoos.

The fan then claims Bully came out, and things got serious...

"Suddenly BULLY RAY comes out from a back room. Full on gear since he was in the opening segment of the show and he looks PISSED. Much bigger than me so I'm kinda taking a step back on this here. Security backs off and it's just us two. He said 'hey. I heard there was incident tonight with you and some of the girls' 'Uh... yeah? I guess' *I'm so lost* 'So here's the deal. You're done talking down to them. You need to treat them with respect. Don't be saying anything you wouldn't say to your mom, you got it?!' I'm not trying to act tough. I was legit being intimidated with purpose and I wasn't about to get kicked out during match 3 so I just bit the bullet and said 'sure... yes sir... yeah, I understand... yup...' He said 'End of convo. Go be a fan' Security led me back to my seat."

ROH have promised a quick investigation into the incidents, and say they will inform him of their findings in 48 hours.

Bully has though taken to social media himself, to share his side of things...

"And now the truth. I could not have been any nicer to said 'fan.' Yes, nice, hard to believe. I never threatened, intimidated or berated said 'fan.' I handled the situation the exact opposite way most would assume, with decorum. [The conversation] lasted less than 30 seconds. I even gave the fan a friendly pat on the back and told him to enjoy the show and 'go be a fan.' His response, 'Thanks Bully.' Fan version of story is embellished to make fan look like a 'victim.' Many other fans who attended the shows in Kent and Portland have already confirmed on social media how said fan 'cross the line' with multiple talents, both men and women. In retrospect, the 'fan' should have been ejected. Unfortunately, it wasn't until after 'fan' was asked to not be 'so rude,' did we find out that severity of the vile comments and lewd sexual gestures made towards the women. I think we can all agree that in 2019, this type of behavior towards women is unacceptable and goes far beyond the scope of, 'I paid for my seat, I should be able to do or say whatever I want.' I live by the motto, 'Respectful fans always get what they want. Rude fans always get what they deserve.' At the end of the day, I'm guilty of defending three women that needed a bit of defending. Not by being a bully, by being a man."

Alum un-retires:

Santino Marella says he will have a one of match for his own promotion in Canada this summer.

Impact champ almost worked AEW debut:

Brian Cage says he was at Double Or Nothing, and was set to appear, but Impact got wind of it, and called him to demand he withdraw from the show, or face a breach of contract.

HOF assault:

The HOF attacker will be back in court on July 9, to answer for his assault on Bret Hart.

Flair fraud:

Ric Flair says his friend and former manager has been embezzling money from him.

Stomping Grounds:

Roman Reigns vs Drew McIntyre is the first match booked for the new PPV, set to debut later this month.

Injury confirmed:

Mickie James is benched with a knee injury.



Street Prophets won the NXT Tag gold, which had been vacant at this past weekends NXT special. while Adam Cole took the NXT World strap.


WWE have announced an NXT UK special in Cardiff on the same day as the next AEW PPV.

WWE star confirms romantic rumour:

Finn Balor has confirmed he is dating an ESPN reporter called Veronica Rodriguez. He did so whilst supporting Tottenham Hotspur at the UEFA Champions League final... which much have sucked for him. #LFC #6Times #YNWA #JFT96.

Mickie injured:

Mickie James reportedly suffered a knee injury this past weekend, which is unfortunate timing, she has a big country music gig later this week.

Kairi reveals reason for time off:

Kairi Same has revealed why she disappeared earlier in the year. She had taken seriously ill with anaphylactic shock. She says her friend Io Shirai saved her life by calling for the ambulance and going with her to the hospital.

Impact star blasts WWE Alum:

Tessa Blanchard says she has plans for Disco Inferno...

"I think Glenn is a piece of s--t. I think Glenn coming down and inserting himself into the Knockouts battle royale made it clearer he is a piece of s--t. To get on the microphone to downplay us as women as talents are just embarrassing and couldn't be further from the truth. I feel like any one of us women, contracted or not, could have beaten his ass. If the time and place is right, I would be more than happy to get in the ring with him and show him what a piece of s--t he is."


Batista says he lost everything when he left WWE in 2010...

"It was a nightmare. I'd gone broke and lost all my money from wrestling. I got an agent and my agent said, 'I had to fight really hard to get you this audition. They didn't want any pro wrestlers.' I found one picture of Drax and I said, 'That looks like me. I get this picture. I relate to this picture'. I went and read for Sarah Finn and did my audition. She said, 'Is there any way you could come tomorrow and read for the director?' That's when I knew it was real. I read for James Gunn and I could tell right away that he really wanted me to be Drax," Batista said. "James and I connected really fast. Where I was at in my life—when I say that James Gunn changed the direction of my life, not just my career, this is why I am so loyal to him. You're going to get me emotional—I connected with him right off the bat."

Mainstream media report on Ashley's death:

CNN have run a feature on the death of Ashley Massaro, noting that her brain will be donated to CTE research.

Title change:

The 24/7 title changed hands twice today. Jinder Mahal took the gold from R-Truth while he was playing golf, but Truth quickly took it back.

Heat on Cornette spreads:

Some fans are defending Jim Cornette on social media, over his homophobia. One attacking Joey Ryan for his flamboyance and another rounding upon the oft controversial Priscilla Kelly, her of the making an opponent eat her bloodied tampon, fame. She replied with a strong defense of her and Ryan, and an attack of JEC of her own...

"What's embarrassing is the toxic homophobia that Jim Cornette spews. I'd like to say Joey Ryan and I create entertainment, moments fans will remember, without any negativity or judgment to anyone."

KO pays tribute:

Kevin Owens has paid tribute to a fan of his going back to his CZW days...

"Wrestling lost a huge fan today. I hadn't seen Lyle Williams in many years but I still remember his kindness and enthusiasm for this industry. He took a lot of pride in capturing moments from every show he could make it to and sharing them with everyone. He will be missed."

No Holds Barred:

Hulk Hogan's film 'No Holds Barred' turns 30 today. To celebrate WWE have released a tee for Hogan's character, Rip.

Ambrose says Brock ruined SummerSlam 2018:

"SummerSlam, the end of the show was supposed to be when the Shield returns. We were worried about it not being as impactful the next night. It still worked just as good. The end of SummerSlam was Roman vs. Brock, Braun comes out, looks like a doofus because he can't figure out how to cash in. How it ever went was Brock's idea. At 6 p.m. before the show, everything was supposed to happen, the Shield coming out, this awesome stuff that the writers have been working on tirelessly to have this perfect ending to SummerSlam that was good. Brock comes in at 6 p.m. and changes everything. Vince is like, we are going to go with Brock's idea. It made everyone else look stupid but Brock. And the writers are just sitting there watching it in the room and they're like 'Come on, we had it, we had this great ending.' Everyone is suffering, again not my problem, anymore."

Saturday, June 1, 2019


I am a happy Shaggyman!!! :D

Jericho predicts WWE exodus:

Chris Jericho says he is touch with a good number of WWE talent that, he claims, have told him they plan to repeat what Dean Ambrose did recently, and let their deals run out before joining AEW.

He also advised fans not to rule out the idea of CM Punk showing up in AEW one day.

Alum supporting NXT star:

Marty Jannetty is working with Matt Riddle on his upcoming match vs Roddy Strong.

Cornette addresses heat:

Jim Cornette has accused Joey Ryan of making up a story to get him in heat online, after being accused of homophobia during a reaction video to the debut AEW show.

Graves mocks major WWE angle:

Corey Graves has ripped the Brock Lesnar / MITB angles on Twitter...

"So, he's is cashing in because the boss was mad at him for not cashing in when he said he was, even though the point of the contract is to cash in at the holder's discretion? Where's my new chair?"


Georges St. Pierre has claimed WWE approached him with a contract offer after he announced his retirement from the cage.

Slammiversary main announced:

Brian Cage vs Michael Elgin will headline Impact's biggest show this year.

Ambrose calls for Vince to step aside:

"Over this time, especially the last few months, I didn't see this 'genius' Vince. In the 80's he was a genius, when he created Hulkamania, took over the territories, and put wrestling on cable television. In 2019 I do not think he knows what is going on. We need to figure it out or step aside and let someone who knows what's going on takeover."