Sunday, November 20, 2011

Today's News

John Morrison:

Will probably be wrestling his last big show match for WWE tonight and he has started getting his kicks in early, he replied to John Cena's comment on Twitter that Zack Ryder should have been giving his match at Survivor Series with...

''You should know better than anyone, sometimes deserve’s got nothing to do with it''.

Devon Nicholson:

A documentary due to be aired next week will follow Indy wrestler Devon Nicholson's case against WWE Hall Of Famer Abdullah The Butcher who he accuses of infecting him with hep C. WWE refused to take part.

Shaul Guerrero:

Eddie Guerrero's daughter has won her first title in WWE feeder group FCW.

Matt Hardy:

Will be back in court on Nov 28th, he has been told to expect jail time.

Chris Jericho:

More on Chris Jericho's tweet that he will never wrestle for WWE again, it appears that it wasn't just a dig but that there is something to it, talks had been ongoing between the two, but something happened, and the talks fell through.

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