Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Today's News

Barry Windham:

WWE / HHH are paying for Barry Windham's health treatment.

Brodus Clay:

Is to get pushed to the main event picture on raw in the coming weeks.

Sin Cara:

WWE are to give Sin Cara a tag team partner, they have been holding try-out matches, favourite is Averno.

Chris Jericho:

Talks About Deaths In Wrestling...


What’s it like to have worked in a profession where so many of your peers have died long before their time?


It sucks. I was watching Raw earlier, and Hunter (HHH) was talking about how lucky he was to have all these friends in the business and he gave a list, and I thought, fuck, my friends died. It’s not happened in recent times, thank God, but there was a period not so long ago where guys were going down one after the other. It is a very tough business, and I feel so lucky that I never got into the drugs and pills. I was always a drinker – I still am to this day, and I can probably drink more than most, but if I want to go a week or two between having those drinks, I can. I don’t know, man. Maybe because of the music side of my life, and because I didn’t have all my eggs in one basket, wrestling wasn’t the be all and end all.

Kurt Angle:

Says he is proud to be on the cover of the new King Of The Ring Best Of DVD.

World's strongest Spin-A-Roonie:

WWE World Champion Mark Henry attempting a Spin-A-Roonie, Right Here in Liverpool, England (Video)...

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