Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Today's News


Rumours that a Survivor Series main eventer tested positive for drugs have now been confirmed as R-Truth has been suspended for 30 days (That is why The Miz turned on him on Raw).

It Begins:

WWE online teaser for the return of a ''Familiar face'' in 2012 (Video)...

There is plenty of speculation about this, my favourite theory so far is this one...

2nd of January on Youtube.

-Y outube
-2 nd
-J anuary


It's the 3rd coming.

CM Punk vs The Rock

A war of words is going on between CM Punk and The Rock, Punk is not happy that The Rock is not mixing with the locker room, just turning up when he is needed, doing his bit then leaving in his limo, The Rock responded by saying he was there to do business and to elevate the WWE to new heights and that the locker room should appreciate that, like he did when Hulk Hogan returned.

JBL vs Mero:

Another ongoing spat is between JBL and Marc Mero, JBL has tweeted the following...

“If Johnny B Bad had sucked it would have been an improvement!” 

“Mero absolutely sucks as a wrestler and human being. Sorry to u fans of his.”

“Sorry, can’t describe in 140 characters why Mero is a POS. No one who knew him sticks up for him-that should tell u something.”.

In Joke:

When CM Punk referred to the movie Teen Wolf on Raw last night, it was a private joke to former WWE star Cliff Domino Compton.

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