Thursday, November 24, 2011

Today's News

Ted Dibiase:

Is to get a push, (Vince McMahon is a big fan).

The Undertaker:

Is undergoing surgeries to rid himself of nagging injuries in preparation for his return. The Undertaker's Mania opponent has been decided, but has not yet been announced.

Dolph Ziggler:

WWE want Dolph Ziggler to change his Twitter user name, they don't feel that insider terms should be used.

Kelly Kelly:

Is to appear in court for speeding.

John Morrison:

His departure is finally confirmed by WWE, he leaves after Monday's Raw, TNA are interested in reuniting him with Melina and giving him a main event run, thoughts are he wants to do other things outside of wrestling.

Zack Ryder:

Heat on Zack Ryder for dying his hair without permission.

Gregory Irons:

In an update on Greg Irons bid to be in the Royal Rumble, WWE are legit angry, they feel this is a no win situation for them.


WWE are holding auditions for new commentators, they want former WWE stars to give it a go.

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