Thursday, October 13, 2011

Today's News

Tyson Tomko:

Is suffering from severe drug problems.

Brock Lesnar:

The former WWE Champion has been interviewed to promote his appearance in the new WWE 12 game, with some interesting remarks...

On One More Match With WWE...

“Ironically it’s probably the guy that walked out on me. The guy that took his ball and went home. A guy that I was supposed to face and I think that he was just plain downright scared to get in the ring with me because he was one of those guys that was on top and saw a huge threat in Brock Lesnar at the time. That’s “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. I worked with everybody and anybody that was anybody there and if I came back, I think the guy that I would come back to fight is “Stone Cold” Steve Austin”.

On His Feud With The Undertaker...

“I was a true wrestler. I was a Division I national champion. I came into the business wanting one thing and one thing only, and that was to be the champion, and I wasn’t going to let anybody stand in my way. I think there was one guy that had a problem with that and that was Undertaker. If I were to have gotten in the ring with him I would have ripped his arm off and f—— beat him with it.”

Shawn Michaels:

Is to release an Ebook.

Mil Mascaras:

Mexican Legend Mil Mascaras is to be at Smackdown this week, the show will be filmed in Mexico.

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