Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Today's News

Hulk Hogan:

The iconic grappler is to announce he will retire tomorrow on TNA. 

WWE announces two releases:

WWE announce the release of The Miz and R-Truth, this is a work to sell a story line, expect them back in a couple of weeks.


Ric Flair, Kevin Nash and Dolph Ziggler have all been injured in their most recent matches, Flair injured his shoulder after being superplexed by Sting, Nash was injured at Night Of Champions when HHH hit him with a sledgehammer, he had to be helped backstage and Ziggler has a possible fractured jaw.

Foley is Fail:

Mick Foley Twitter Fail...

''Maybe I'll show Jackman how it's done when I show up as the secret guest ref in the Hell in a Cell, RIGHT there in New Orleans, Louisiana!''...

It was supposed to be a private message to another wrestler.

Commentary Issues for WWE:

WWE Commentary problems King Jerry Lawler was legit hurt when Mark Henry slammed him through the table on Raw, and JR says WWF.

Matt Hardy:

Makes the announcement the wrestling world has been waiting for, Good Luck Matt...

Later the same day...

Matt Hardy has been arrested again on felony drugs charges after police raided his home, just hours after he announced he was going into WWE sponsored rehab.

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